Wringing the wet water out of her hair, Avyanna briskly moved past the man who held the door open for her, one that she had managed to escape with after the Queen was found dead. She remembered seeing him around as he was one of the guards who watched over the Queen while she lay sick in bed. She herself was hired to take care of the bed-ridden royalty, to try and find a cure for her sickness, but as Avyanna seemed to be getting close to what she believed would help, it was too late. But not of the sickness. Assassinated by someone within her own kingdom. A shame, truly. She was actually starting to like her. Sighing as she sat down, her breath came in short huffs and her legs basically felt useless as this point. She had never run away from someone so fast in her life. Of course, there were times where she [i]did[/i] run away, many times actually, but never because she had a whole fucking kingdom trying to hunt her, and her companion, down. Pausing to look around the room, they had managed to find themselves inside a pretty lonely tavern. Not much was going on except some conversations here and there, a barmaid shuffling between them. She really wanted to say [Color=fff79a][i]Hehe, at your age, people were serving[/i] me[i], not the other way around[/i][/color], but she refrained from doing so as the guardsman sat down, so she did the same. She leaned in as he spoke, propping her elbows on the table and setting her head on her hands, watching him curiously. She hadn't taken him for the type to run away, but she guessed anyone would in their situation. But that meant he was willing to bend the rules, if not break them to save himself and her, a trait she found pleasing, so she guessed she would play nice for now. [Color=fff79a]"Ah yes, luckily I know all about covering tracks. Not from personal experience or anything of course. Though we shouldn't stay here too long. There's too many people. Too many ears."[/color]