[@officaz] [@ScreenAcne] Hey mate, sorry to intervene but I've been reading the OOC and I feel like there's a bit of a misunderstanding with your sheet and the premise. What ScreenAcne was asking of you was to give out a bit of personality besides his mental issues, and info on whatever made him inconvenient in his current position - that may as well be his mental issues themselves but you gotta make it clear. Also the way I read it ZELTA is something that's being formed right now to do stuff in newly conquered territory so your dude can't have possibly already been assigned to it. It's also somewhere people who are inconvenient and disposable get sent - a.k.a. space gulag. I might be wrong, do correct me if so, ScreenAcne. I just have a big mouth and an urge to dish out unsolicited help.