Helloooo~ I'm Rhonu and I'm here hoping to start a RP or two! Smut is not a requirement for me (but welcome). Romance is preferred but only if it develops naturally. I always prefer good plot over porn. For some pairings I may prefer a slow burn, it depends. I love detailed stories with lots of twists and character growth. I usually write a few paragraphs per post - absolutely NO one-liners - and I don't expect you to post match because my posts can get lengthy. Just give me enough to work with and I'm happy. I love discussing plot and pitching ideas back and forth, so if you have discord that's a bonus, it makes things easier. The RP itself can be done in a thread, PM or through discord. I like dark and gritty stuff, angst and drama, but also humor and cute fluffy scenes. Basically I like me a good mix of everything. I've been writing for 15 or so years so I think I can safely call myself experienced lol. I'm also not a grammar nazi, mistakes happen and English is not my first language, but I always proofread everything I post. I can do canon/canon, canon/OC or OC/OC. It really depends on the fandom. My characters are versatile and I ask that yours are too. I'm not really into overly submissive/feminine characters. And now for the fandoms! I will list the pairings I like and/or the characters I have experience writing. In all RPs I can write as many side characters/NPCs as are needed to flesh out the story. I also like AUs, and sometimes crossovers (you'd be surprised how well Dragon Age meshes with Dishonored). A * indicates something I'm particularly interested in writing. Red Dead Redemption 2* [hider=My Hider] Pairings: Charles/Arthur*, Arthur/John, Arthur/Dutch, am open to others (Arthur/Javier for example) but those are the main three. Can write: Arthur (sorry, I have no experience writing the others but my Arthur is pretty vanilla. I won't give you mountain man hobo beard Arthur). [/hider] Dragon Age [hider=My Hider] Pairings: I'm open to many but some favorites include Hawke/Anders, Inquisitor/Bull and Dorian/Bull Can write: Anders (DA2), Hawke (OC, not Garrett), the Inquisitor (mage Lavellan), Dorian, and I have a qunari pirate OC (for romance/smut he's only available for humans and other qunari though). [/hider] Elder Scrolls* [hider=My Hider] Pairings: OC/OC [b]FILLED[/b][s]Can write: I have one Dunmer OC who is a member of one of the ashlander tribes. Because of that I would really prefer this to be set either before or during the events of TES3, but it won't be a problem if you haven't played Morrowind! For example your OC could be a visitor to this very strange and hostile land, and he might need a guide. Either way, my OC will not be the Nerevarine. Everything else is up for discussion. PS: my OC has a deeply rooted hatred for Altmer, as well as mages. If you character happens to be one of those (or both, oh dear), there will be uh... interesting conflict. But that's up to you![/s] [/hider] Fallout [hider=My Hider] Pairings: OC/OC or OC/Hancock Can write: I'll be using my Fallout4 character for this, but he's not restricted to that particular game's setting. We can do whatever! He does tend to have Dogmeat though, but that's negotiable. [/hider] Dishonored [hider=My Hider] Pairings: Corvo/Outsider, Corvo/OC Can write: Corvo, the Outsider (a maybe) [/hider] Kingdom Come: Deliverance [hider=My Hider] Pairings: Henry and Hans Can write: Henry [/hider] Dragon Ball Z* [hider=My Hider] Pairings: Goku/Vegeta, Goku/Turles, Goku/Goku Black, Vegeta/Goku Black, King Vegeta/Bardock, Bardock/Turles Can write: Goku, Turles, Bardock, Black (but only an AU version of him where he's basically Kakarot's aggressive full blooded saiyan twin, no Zamasu involved. Yes, that would make the Goku/Goku Black pairing a twincest one.). Note: I love AUs in this. Saiyans on earth or Planet Vegeta that hasn't been blown up to give a few examples. [/hider] Assassin's Creed (great for AUs too!)* [hider=My Hider] Pairings: Altair/Malik*, Altair/OC (I have an idea for this one), Ezio/Leonardo and Cesare/Leonardo for canon stuff but pretty much any character can be paired with any character in an AU setting. I've done an awesome Arno/Leonardo modern day AU once, it was great. Also I'm fine with Connor/Haytham if that's your thing. If not I won't mention it again. Can write: Altair, Ezio, Arno, Cesare (never tried but I'd be interested maybe), Connor. [/hider] Other fandoms I like the setting of but don't have any pairings and/or OCs and/or ideas for. Really need a good idea for me to consider doing one of these: [hider=My Hider] ARK: Survival Evolved Left 4 Dead Pokemon, but only if it's a darker/gritter/more realistic take on it Animorphs [/hider] [hider=And then there's this one*] [b]FILLED[/b][s]I also have a big long term plot idea that I've been wanting to do for a long time that is loosely based on a fandom I haven't mentioned yet. That's because it doesn't actually require any knowledge on it on your part, because the setting only takes a few basic things from the fandom (like names and some basic plot points, I'll explain those if interested) and everything else is thought up and winged by us. So I consider this more of an original setting. The pairing would be android/human, the android being my character who is also the only pure top character I have. The setting is modern or futuristic (whatever we prefer), semi apocalyptic (think zombie apocalypse but with infected androids going nuts), non infected androids and humans working together trying to survive and keeping humanity from going extinct. It's a lot more detailed than that, but I don't want to make this post too long and I'd rather discuss it all with you. Let me know if you want to know more. (yes it's loosely based on Rockman/Megaman X, just a far more realistic and darker take on it).[/s] [/hider] And that's it! If you see something you fancy please shoot me a message!