[hr][hr][center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/323f0dd8-5bdb-4011-92b5-793c6ceadbfd.png[/img][/center][Center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ0LjRlODg1OC5VMkZzWlcwZ1UzQmxiR3h0WVc0LC4wAAA,/flat-earth-scribe.regular.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] Salem nodded in approval to Lilie’s suggestion. Sure he could go alone to the administration office and speak to them, but there was some form of comfort in having someone else come with you, just knowing there was someone there having your back. [color=82ca9d]”That would be nice thank you. Speaking of which...”[/color] Salem shot a sideways glance to his partner, Lucan, who was standing not too far off from the group, getting reprimanded it seemed, by professor Dracion. I suppose even a knight as high as him is still capable of being treated in such a way in a school setting. Surely it was an odd site to see. As Salem began to straighten out his shirt a bit, his glance moved over to Dracion who was now yelling at the lot of them to leave. [color-82ca9d]”Right, I suppose we shouldn’t actually be here huh? Cassandra was it? Don’t wander off too far, that sucker punch was more than you bargained for since you weren’t preparing to take it. I’ll have to check you out too to make sure there isn’t too much damage.”[/color] He gave the fire mage a wink and a smile, offering her an out in case she didn’t feel like sticking around her partner all day, after all who would? They lead separate lives and need not have to mingle. With that Salem made his way over to Lucan. Nervousness began to well up inside of him with every step that he took. What if Lucan was the one responsible for taking all of his belongings? Some harsh punishment for getting into trouble on the night he missed, or perhaps its some sort of training Schtick, like with what Varis mentioned doing to Aaron at dinner. Or maybe it had nothing to do with the man, simply the school not allowing any foliage besides their own? That one made no sense as there was no mention of it before. Salem halted in his steps for a moment, thinking to himself in dread, [color=82ca9d][i]What if this was all part of the investigation? Would they go so far as to take ALL of his supplies? It makes no sense[/i][/color] His scents began to swirl up again, nerves kicking in and taking over as his steps were now more hurried, each one booming in his ears. [color=82ca9d]”Pardon me Dracion...mind if i speak to my partner in private? I’ll try to do so as we are leaving.”[/color] With that he went up to Lucan, gaze down as he softly said [color=82ca9d]”Do you have any idea why our dorm has been cleared out? All of my possessions have been lifted and there is nothing in my room...”[/color] His voice was soft, yet loud enough for a vampire to pick up and hear.