[@6slyboy6][@Eyelid][@officaz][@Voltus_Ventus][@Starlance][@datadogie] [Hider= How This Will be Played] [b]TRANSIT PHASE[/b] You and all other players will be on the Transit ship. This journey from whatever other location to this location takes roughly 6 years. The Transit Ship is sort of like an apartment complex had sex with a very ugly space bus. In the transit phase you guys will be given a few posts to introduce each character how you see fit and have them talk or interact with other characters. You are encouraged to talk it out and build some sort of relationship with each other before you post but this isn't neccessary. The Transit is so big that it's realistic that none of the ZELTA crew interacted before hand if you don't want to. As the transit is getting ready to dock in a few hours when the first post takes effect you'll all be waiting in the terminal with your luggage and papers in hand. If the players want to skip the transit phase they can. It's purely a means to help get in character and build relationships before we start. But you got to post IC (SKIPPING TRANSIT), you have no obligation to post durring transit after that. [b]DOCKING PHASE[/b] You will all walk to ZELTA docking where a party member in charge of your formation and preperation will be waiting. Here is where the A.I will be put into a tempoary computer while you all pick a ship from the PORT STORAGE list. You'll get the ships name, the previous owners opinion on it and a brief description of its intended purpose. This will be the only case in which you will all vote OOCly for your ship out of the list. In the case of a stand still the captain picks the ship. The captain then is given a list of utilities and accessories after the ship is presented. You will get on and enter your respective rooms, get aquanted with it and generally interact as you like while the captain prepares to launch. You'll recieve your packages and your base equipment-stuff you get provided for free on board- [b] LAUNCH PHASE[/b] The ship is given an hyperline sheilded boost from the dock into the chosen flight path. This allows you guys to immediately jump into more dangerous space with a good distance from any help or big stations. The captain will pick the flight path and thus the kind of dangers/hostilities you might meet from a small selection of choices. Once your launch is complete you're in the null sector proper. The captain will be picking where to next on the star chart and in game world days/week will be passing each post. So anything you guys do will be assumed to be happing over days or more-unless logic dictates otherwise, like a conversation- you're not restricted in your movements or what you can do, you have total freedom. [b]INTENSE PHASE[/b] When something dangerous is happening that a minute could dicate weither someone lives or dies you'll see me post an [b][color=red]INTENSE[/color][/b] tag at top. This means that you can only move one room at a time on the ship map. All actions you will be doing will be assumed to be happening within a minute or less. Sometimes an intense phase will start without any seemingly obvious threat, but if its there it's there for a reason. You'll also recieve any status changes that is apparent. EG: Michal who was hit by a bullet to the chest is now DYING. -------------------------- When the game starts you'll all recieve information that is important to your roles. EG: the engineer will be sent a map on where all the fuel tanks are and how the engine works-it will be simple, don't worry- The intention from me is that this will validate your roles. I don't want role interchangability-aka, some guy says he has experience engineering and then RPs he can do your job- you possess actual information which someone without could realistically lead to theirs and other people deaths. You are not expected to memorizes this information, it will be in your PMs under " Your Class C training" for you to access when you need it and find it convenient. Just don't post this information in OOC or IC. The only exception is the A.I who will be given access to 2 roles info of her choice-since it's an A.I and smarter than a scholar monk post orgasm- [/hider]