Penelope gave an amused look as Crow answered Naida's question. The knight wasn't too surprised to hear her father had been a bit rough on him. After all, John still didn't appear overly fond of him and from what she could remember about her own training with him, he was a bit of a tough teacher. Tough meaning he wouldn't hold back completely when striking a student. She could only assume it was a bit worse than usual though considering his rocky relationship with the former thief. "Oh it can't possibly be that bad!" Naida laughed and looked over to her friend for confirmation. "I don't know.. When I was old enough to begin training, I remember getting quite a few bruises from it." Penelope replied with a smirk. She crossed her arms over her chest, leaning back slight as she spotted the servants making their way over with their plates of food. She gave a polite dip of her head as the one placed her plate down in front of her. Next to her, she noticed Naida wait for the plates to be placed down before turning backed to Penelope while Preston tested Crow's food. "Really? I would have thought he'd go easy on his children." Naida mused. "Plus considering Collin's title.." "Clearly you haven't been around my father very much." Penelope gave a small laugh and shook her head. She looked across the table at Crow and casted him a subtle, knowing smile. "I'm sure he didn't go easy on you." The knight gave a small shrug and took a bite from her food.