[center][b]Timeline[/b] Please Note: Links to important people, places, events, etc., are on their way to make using this page easier.[/center] [b]Pre-Role Play History:[/b] [list] [*]Year 0: The birth year of the first of the many House of Backkrum Kings. [*](Birth years of characters and other events to come.) [*]Year 376: The War of the Three Rivers begins. [*]Year 381: The War ends with the battle known as the Great Infiltration, which broke the siege of the Capital and saw the destruction/disbanding of the rebel forces. [/list] [center][b]Role Play History:[/b][/center] [b]Year 382:[/b] [list] [*]January: [list] [*]Phillip of Greeling is knighted for his heroic part in the Great Infiltration. [/list] [*]April: [list] [*]Phillip arrives in the Earldom of Echo Valley, for which he has been given title. [*]Phillip meets Marina, a peasant for whom he develops an instant lust. [*]In the adjacent County of Black Rock, Count Karl of the House of Blynne makes plans to wed his niece, Clara, to the new Lord of Echo Valley. [/list][/list]