[center][b][h1][color=yellow]Jaslyn Dayne[/color][/h1][/b][/center][hr] [center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/V5Qi3KQ8FOvLy/giphy.gif[/img][/center][hr][h2][center]Location: Tython[/center][/h2][hr][center][h3] Interaction: Master Kyla Vondin; Knight Elav Chiyoa [@Heat] & Padawan San Anin [@Lauder][/h3][/center][hr][center][h3] Mentions: [/h3][/center][hr][hr]Jaslyn's progress was slowed by the turmoil that ensued planet side. Repeatedly she dodged small fauna and had to scramble, backtracking to get down the mountain. Finally getting to the base as safely as she could she looked out over the stretch of plains before the Rift. Thunder rolled over head and with her view clear of the canopy she watched the massive storm rolling and boiling in the sky. [color=yellow][i]I've never seen a storm come up so quickly and violently here. Is it responding to the crash? Who is in that ship?[/i][/color] Just as that thought crossed her mind a shuttle passed over head.[color=yellow][i] And the cavalry has arrived. Good I don't think I want to be the only one here. Hopefully they have a healer.[/i][/color] Gunning the speeder Jaslyn flew across the plains. Miraculously, or not so miraculously considering the fact that the Force was with her, Jaslyn arrived at the landing site of the shuttle. Hopping off she looked around.[color=yellow][i] And this is where I wish someone just left bread crumbs.[/i][/color] Suddenly an earthquake rocked the terrain. Bracing her feet apart Jaslyn rode out the quake. As it passed Jaslyn shrugged and investigated the area. She nodded as she saw boot prints in the dirt. Pulling out the communicator Jaslyn looked around at the Rift edge.[color=yellow][i] If it were me down there I’d like to know if someone was coming in behind me.[/i][/color] Jaslyn brought up the communicator and relayed.[color=yellow] “This is Jaslyn Dayne can anyone hear me? Over.”[/color] Waiting for a response for about thirty seconds Jaslyn is drawn to the site where, unbeknownst to her; Kyla, San and Elva had started their trip down the side of the gorge.[color=yellow] “I say again, this is Jaslyn Dayne can anyone hear me? I will be investigating the crash site. Respond… Over.”[/color] The silence over the line was poignant and heralded disaster. Although a foreboding thought was not lost on her Jaslyn pushed it aside and hooked the communicator to the front of her robes under her cloak. Taking out her twin hilts Jaslyn connected them together.[color=yellow] “Alright I gave you long enough to respond. Seems like going down into the Rift is going to happen.”[/color] Climbing down she easily maneuvered quickly down the ledge to the last one before the canyon floor, that she assumed the others had used. Nearing the ship Jaslyn swayed as the Force nearly overwhelmed her. Rage. Darkness. Pain. Fear. In overwhelming abundance. Jaslyn had never felt such strong emotion from someone that she couldn’t see. The emotions blocked out everything else.[color=yellow][i] What is going on?! This hasn’t happened for years! Why now?![/i][/color] Fighting the overwhelming emotions for what seemed like an eternity, in reality it was about a minute, Jaslyn was finally able to separate her own emotions from the other entities emotions. The rage and darkness dialed back. The fear was still present but not as pronounced. Finally the fog cleared and Jaslyn recognized Master Vondin, Knight Chiyoa and San all turned toward the tunnel which was the only one that made sense for someone in the wreck to have gone. [color=yellow] “Wonderful weather we’re having isn’t it?”[/color] Hoping that was innocuous enough not to set them off.