[quote=@Kuro] I'd be okay with gun experts, but not guys running around with military rifles decked out in all kinds of attachments. To me, it does feel rather out of place--same with the katana-wielding--even if it looks cool. Maybe it's just me preferring the survival experience rather than rule of cool? /shrug [/quote] I think that’s what I mean by “gun experts”. People juxtaposing their military soldier fetish in a scenario that’s more about survival, the human condition, psychological anxieties, and so forth. Power complexes are always a thing that we as survival horror GMs/writers have to curb, because it’ll always show up no matter how much resistance there is to it. It is quite strange to me this is such a prevelant problem when very nearly every zombie-based survival horror television series we've had is more about the survival experience than the rule of cool.