Gaia's tail swayed when Ethan texted Benjamin. When Ethan mentioned the Gym her head tilted to the left. "Gym means... training, yes?" She asked, as if she didn't know. "I don't think I will fit equipment but I can be a sparing partner? That was how Harriet and I trained." Harriet nodded at Benjamin's words, "Yeah, that'd be a good idea." She started before the Demon Waiter came with her and Steph's drink. He placed two pinky-red smoothies in front of them. "Food shall be out shortly." He said before he walked off again. Harriet's eyes lit up at the sight of the smoothie, she moved and took a large sip through her straw. "Mmmmmmm~" She mumbled happily. Steph looked at her drink before she leaned forward to take a small sip, her nose scrunching slightly at the cold, mildly sour liquid in her mouth. "Strawberry.." She started as she pulled away, "Banana... Pomegranate?" She asked, Harriet nodded. "Coconut milk and blood orange infusion, yeah." She said with a grin, "Healthy and tasty!~"