[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/e71lZSs.png[/img][/center] [center][sub]Interacting with [@Typical][/sub][/center] [hr] Beep… Beep… Beep… “No news today...everything looks normal.” [color=lightgreen]“Thanks Miss Tomo.”[/color] White walls adorned with various medical tools bounced around the sound of light footsteps as the nurse took her leave. Through the single window in the room shone a bright ray of sunshine as the sun began to rise, lighting up the only two figures in the room. As Ava sat down next to the bed and looked at the peaceful slumber her father was in, she wondered if he was enjoying a nice dream. It was completely silent, with the exception of a heart rate monitor that never stopped beeping. Although it was a continuous loop of the same sound over and over again, Ava always loved to sit and listen to it in silence; it was the only way her father could communicate after all. Today was a day like any other, Ava would visit in the morning, get the same old update from the nurse, and water the flowers in the windowsill. It had become such a habit, that she often went about it on autopilot, though never without a smile. [color=lightgreen]“I made my first scrambled eggs yesterday.”[/color] She chirped. [color=lightgreen]“I didn’t want to make them till now cuz I knew they’d never be as good as yours, but guess what! They weren’t.”[/color] Leaning back on her stool, she chuckled to herself. [color=lightgreen]“Once you wake up, you’re gonna have to teach me...Owh! by the by, my studies are going great. I got an A on a test last week, and I didnt even study for it! Guess I really am amazing huh?”[/color] After laughing out loud at her own terrible joke, the sounds quickly escaped the room to leave only the beeps once more. [color=lightgreen]“Well-”[/color] Ava pushed her stool backwards and got up in a swift motion. [color=lightgreen]“School starts in a bit, I gotta haul my ass over there.”[/color] Putting on her coat, Ava started walking to the exit, only stopping in the doorway to turn her torso around. [color=lightgreen]“See ya tomorrow.”[/color] She smiled and continued on her way. [hr] on the way to school, Ava rolled down the street on her skateboard, occasionally evading the unwary pedestrian. When she started living in the dorms at her school, it became painfully obvious that walking everywhere would take too long, so a better mode of transportation was necessary. Although a bicycle worked well enough, it lacked the fun factor that a skateboard offers, so ever since then, she's been boarding her way around London. “Ey! Jean! Get yo ass over here and play with us!” Slightly surprised by the comment, Ava looked to the side to see a group of thug-looking boys on a street basketball court. The one talking was holding a basketball, while the rest were acting tough like they do. [color=lightgreen]“Sorry boys! I have to get to school or my grades will get to your level!”[/color] She joked, pushing herself forward on the board. “Ha! One day I’ll [i]show[/i] ya how to get on my level!” The boy shouted after her, causing Ava to smile even brighter. Further down the road, a bustling crossroads presented itself to Ava. Normally she’d simply hurry through the madness but today she spotted an old man. He was clearly very short, stuck in the crowd, and had no idea where he was. Lucky for him, Ava was not about to let the elder be mistreated, so she puffed herself up to enter the masses. [color=lightgreen]“Make way! Make way!”[/color] She shouted as she slithered through the crowd until she reached the elder. [color=lightgreen]“hi, where do you need to go?”[/color] She asked him. “Owh, I would cross the south road, but my sense of direction is not what it used to be.” [color=lightgreen]“Lucky you, cuz that’s where I’m headed too.”[/color] Ava winked before extending her hand to the man. [color=lightgreen]“Let’s go together.”[/color] With a small nod, the man took hold of her hand and Ava led the way through the crowd safely. “Ah thank you girl, you have my gratitude.” The man stiffly bowed to Ava. [color=lightgreen]“No problem!”[/color] Ava responded as she hopped back onto her skateboard, and took off for St Paul. Upon reaching the gates of her school, Ava stepped off her skateboard and popped it into her hand. Looking up at the gates and to the school beyond, she couldn’t help but sigh. For all the fun it offered, it equally drained her of energy, so after staring for a few seconds more, she turned around and went towards a different school; Evergreen. Upon entering the school grounds, Ava quickly noticed someone she recognised. It was Merja, her lunch buddy, standing next to the courtyard entrance. [color=lightgreen]“Merja, Hey!”[/color] She cheered as she skipped over to the tall girl. [color=lightgreen]“So…”[/color] She leaned in, her head facing up with a gleeful smile. [color=lightgreen]“I forgot to make food, and I was hoping you’d have some extra.”[/color]