[hr] [center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/d27ab5e7-ae00-4588-bcef-305ed7c8427f.png[/img][/center] [code]Town hall[/code] [sub][@Atrophy][@Ruler Inc][/sub] [hr] The cold fucking sucked. Though Paige had prepared the best she could, donning the most cold-resistant clothes in her wardrobe, her narrow frame did [i]nothing[/i] to protect her, and her hands and face were still exposed. Plus, the snow made the ground uneven, making walking even worse for her. At least her weird fashion tastes would blend in better with the snow. Maybe that'd come in handy. More likely it'd just screw her over, though. She was grateful for the times when Penny stepped back to walk with her. While she preferred to handle any problem she could (especially those related to her disability) by herself, there's a difference between independence and stupidity. Lagging behind could get her separated and killed. Even her pride wasn't worth that risk. Once, as they were walking, Paige quietly said to Penny "Gotta talk to you later. Next time we're safe." Other than that, she did not speak along the journey, not even in the graveyard outside the hall. What was there to say? It was gruesome, and horrific, but those people couldn't be helped now. This image was just another obstacle to be pushed out the way so that they could end this nightmare. They entered the hall, and Paige was called up to the front, next to Penny once again. Paige wasn't completely sure on the reasoning behind that decision, but her guess was that the other girl just wanted to look out for her. Again, practicality was more important than pride, so the backup was appreciated, if that's what it was. Still, Paige wished she didn't have to be given backup in the first place. At least she had that Abstraction to help her - maybe she could fight off whatever was in here instead of running. "I don't do well with stairs, especially if we have to go fast. And since Britney doesn't recommend the elevator, I guess I'll stay up here with her," Paige said when splitting the team (again) came up. Not that a rear guard was an inherently bad choice, but these guys clearly didn't watch many horror movies.