[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/gw2rdKo.png[/img][/center] [hr] [i]Knock, knock[/i] [color=999cc8]“Hello!? If you’re in there you better come out! It’s been 15 minutes and I am not about to die because of an incompetent brat like you!”[/color] Snow shouted as she slammed her fist on the door to Naomi’s cabin. She was visibly red from anger as she didn’t exactly cool down after her last interaction with the ultimate Linguist. 20 minutes was not nearly enough alone time, and on top of that, the past 10 were spent searching for a person she doesn’t even like. As her arm slumped down beside her body, Snow sighed in discomfort and turned around, only to see Naomi in front of her. The girl glaring back at her wiped the sweat off her brow, sweating buckets and breathing hard. Her pricey clothing did nothing in this weather and her white button down stuck to her skin in the worst ways. All Naomi wanted to do was get inside and never come out, along with a nasty urge to slam the door on the white-haired girls snarling red face. [color=violet]”You...”[/color] As she stared at the other girl, a thought passed through her head, '[i]one minute she’s got some kind of stubborn death wish and the next she’s begging.[/i]' She let out a chuckle, [color=violet]”...Remind me not to bother.”[/color] Her usually emotionless face smiled smugly for a millisecond before she reached into her pocket for her monopad. She held it up and stared at the other girl expectantly, but impatiently added, [color=violet]”Move.”[/color] [color=999cc8]“Excuse me?”[/color] Snow sneered, placing a hand on her hip. As she surveyed Naomi with a resentful gaze, her expression turned arrogant. [color=999cc8]“Why do you look so horrible? Did you take a dip in the lake to cool that bitter brain of yours? Pfuh, it suits you.”[/color] Sharply turning her head away from Naomi, Snow tried to contain her emotions, as the corner of her mouth was starting to lift. It was never going to come out that the reason Naomi was all [i]hot and bothered[/i] was because she had been searching for the hairdresser. No one with that much egotistical superiority complex needed a confidence booster. Naomi brought a finger up to her lips in mock horror, [color=violet]“Oh? You’ve stooped so low as you insult looks now, how vain. I wish I had your stupidity so I could focus on something else instead of our impending deaths.”[/color] She took a longer strand of hair and twirled it between her fingers, [color=violet]“Since we’re all gonna die anyway, maybe I’ll just wait for time to run out-” [/color] Naomi turned around and looked over her shoulder, [color=violet]“How about that? Or say you could get over your pretty princess panties and move?”[/color] She turned her head back around and stared up at the clouds, hoping for some higher power to take over the situation. Turning her head back slowly, Snow almost showed her teeth out of frustration. [color=999cc8]“Why are you so in[i]sistent[/i] on making my day as [i]horrible[/i] as it can be! Like, if you want to die, at least do it alone where you can't bother anyone!?”[/color] Snow took a heavy step forward, extending the cord hanging from her wrist to Naomi, though she made a careful notion to avoid eye-contact. [color=999cc8]“Now put this stupid thing on before you kill us both.”[/color] But, of course, God didn’t exist. How else could the world be so sick and demented? How else could blood be thinner than water? Maybe the god of torture came up from hell a long time ago. Her insides clawed at her to apologize for her hurtful words, Mami had always told her that there was no use in revenge and to always follow the golden rule. But what good did it do when the world was so full of shit and sewage? As Naomi ran over Snow’s words in her mind, another force plunged inside her and beat her conscience with a baseball bat. Naomi pivoted on her left foot and stomped over before smacking Snow’s outstretched hand and grabbing the end of the cord to be a barrier between the two of them, [color=violet]“Why would I do that if I could drag you down with me?”[/color] She gave the other girl a sweet smile that didn’t reach her eyes, [color=violet]“I won’t put it on until you do as I say. You know, I was very well planning on fucking going along with you little miss heiress whore, but someone needs to teach you a lesson.”[/color] [color=violet]“I am [i]never-”[/i][/color] She brought the cord up to Snow’s neck, their faces inches away from each other, [color=violet]“Going to be made to do anything by societal elitists who view others as ants. You think the world revolves around you with everything on your dust rose fingertips and chiffon dresses, but Caesar had it all only to get stabbed in the back 23 times. But you’re just a poor little girl who will never step out of your comfort zone and get all the fake compliments for it. Beg with words for all I care, but I want actions.”[/color] She watched as the time on Snow’s wrist went down to 55 seconds. [color=violet]“Ready now?”[/color] Once more, life found a way to tear down the precious exterior of Snow’s white walls. With a knot forming in her throat, Snow had trouble keeping a composed look; her knees were trembling and her eyes started to get watery. Nothing ever went her way, and everyone always ended up antagonizing her, all she could do was fight back...But right now she didn’t feel like fighting back. [color=999cc8]“F-fine..”[/color] Snow took an awkward step back and to the side, almost tripping in the process. [color=999cc8]“Can you attach the cord now?”[/color] Naomi took a step back and slipped the cuff over her hand, [color=violet]“Now that wasn’t very hard, was it?”[/color] She opened the door and walked through, letting Snow follow her or get pulled in. She quickly started unbuttoning her shirt and peeled it off, revealing a matching white cami underneath. As she turned away, the world seemed to come back into full color as she realized what she had done. [i]She was just like her sister. [/i]No,[i] Naomi was worse.[/i] A shudder ran through her, hopefully unnoticeably since it was quite a bit colder inside the darkened room. Naomi reached for a new blouse, dreading it’s long sleeves before realizing something, the shirt she had taken off was caught in the cord with no way off... A heavy blush overcame the smaller girl as she turned her body to peer at it. On the other end of the cord, Snow simply stared at the shirt, and to Naomi, and back again. This was a joke...Not a joke that warrants laughter, but disappointment. The intimidating naomi from a few seconds ago had completely disappeared but lucky for her, Snow still felt defeated. [color=999cc8]“Just leave it there.”[/color] She spoke as she walked towards a couch, letting herself fall into it with a puff. [color=999cc8]“You know-”[/color] She looked at Naomi, ignoring the blush and peering through the locks of hair hanging from Naomi’s head. [color=999cc8]“Whoever cut your hair should be arrested, you should see a real hair-stylist.”[/color] Although her words were as rude as ever, the condescending tone had disappeared. As the words slipped out of the white-haired girl’s mouth, Naomi’s head snapped up, though her worried eyes seem to dull and her fists clenched, [color=violet]“It’s not supposed to look good... it’s an act of defiance.”[/color] She peered around the room, looking for something, before finding a simple, yet elegant tea set and starting to divide up the leaves, [color=violet]“I wouldn’t want the neighbors to think I was some puppet on a string.”[/color] She stepped into the bathroom and started the water. After a while, Naomi came out with two steaming cups of tea and sat down on the far end of the couch, leaving the tray on the coffee table. She took her own cup and blew on it gently, her proper upbringing shining through. [color=999cc8]“Like, first of all, That’s not defiance, it’s ugly; give me 10 minutes and I’ll show you what defiance looks like as a haircut.”[/color] Though she was done with the fighting, talking about hair always brightened Snow’s mood, so it was only natural that she regained a little sazz along with it. [color=999cc8]“And second? That tea came from the bathroom, sorry but I’m not drinking that…”[/color] Naomi looked up, then back down at the tea before biting her lip, [color=violet]“Oh-... you’re right.”[/color] She stared at the cup before taking a sip anyway. A moment of silence passed as her conscience came back out of the deep end and started another argument inside of her. Naomi continued to stare down at the tea, focusing on the frayed ends of her hair. [i]’You can’t go outside... We choose your friends... Sit up straighter, be quiet!’[/i] She’d never get the chance to go outside and meet a real hairstylist in the first place. [color=violet]“What... What style would you suggest?”[/color] [color=999cc8]”Well…”[/color] [center][b][color=AFEEEE]Snow and Naomi grew a little closer today![/color][/b][/center]