The Kobold frowned once he witnessed, and felt his mage armor flash for a moment... and then disappear. The Kobold let out a sigh. He thought about refreshing it immediately. But, a feeling told him to hold off for a while. The roads are mostly secure, and there's an orchard without apparent guards. Most likely the road is well patrolled, and Bandits and the like are discouraged. Vaal took a moment to take note of the shade provided by the trees. And the new angle of the sun which help lessen the effect of its light. It was still an infuriating ball of fire to the respectable creature. The rays of the sun made his scales feel like they were itching and crawling. But it was more tolerable now. The little Kobold took a moment to undo the ornamental cowl that was draped over his eyes, and flipped it back over his skull to reveal his amber eyes. Vaal winced immediately. The shafts of light seemed to oversaturate the colors of what ever they illuminated into a blinding, blurry mess. Not even the narrow slits of his pupils could save him from such a visual overload. For they seemed to lightly burn their image to his retinas for a few seconds, causing the world to appear to swim for a moment. At least the shadows of the trees gave him blissful respite in thick patches, reducing the bewildering colors to plentiful puddles rather than the sea of light along the road. His eyes were watering and tinted with a hint of red just under his lower eyelid. His eyes trailed over the group's charge. And then back to the orchard. Without further thought, the Kobold sized one of the leather lashings on the horse and used it to help himself climb up onto the creature's back while it was still in motion. He turned about, and sat side saddle now, his tail draping over the mount's back and to the other-side where it clunged onto another strap to help keep the kobold in place. His watering eyes glanced up to Cassandra, for a moment, and then back to the Orchard. He seemed pensive, though not about the view. His eyes glanced over the flowers and fruit and registered nothing. [color=00aeef]"If you mind me asking,"[/color] the kobold began through his slurring voice. The thoughtful glaze over his eyes faded once his eyes flicked to something overhead. [color=00aeef]"What kind of fruit is this?"[/color]