Now this is my cup of tea! In fact I already have at least two possible character concepts in mind. They're both pretty out there, but I can easily come up with some more grounded ones. Marshal Law: He hunts heroes, Hasn't found any yet. The alter ego of war veteran and supersoldier Joe Gilmore, Marshal Law is a government sanctioned superhero hunter, who takes down heroes who have gone rogue, which he does with maximum force and great pleasure. Marshal Law would fit into a story with a darker and grittier tone with +18 possibly added in, with a focus on the hidden nastier side of superheroics. Although rogue heroes are Marshal Law's main targets, he can fight supervillains as well (they're all superheroes in his eyes). Possible targets for him (which double as crossover potential) include among other things Plutonian, Kid Miracleman, the twisted franchises of Vought-American and (if you want to go to that direction) Brightburn. Supreme: Ethan Crane has been many things, more than he can remember. He has been a son, a brother, a lover, a man, and a hero. But most importantly he has been an observer. Ethan has seen his past and his future change before his eyes, and now he awaits eagerly to see, what the next universe will offer him. Supreme fits best a campaign that has room for metafiction. This Alan Moore's reimagining of a Superman expy could have some adventures in places where stories happen, such as the Dreaming.