[h2]Prince Erik Reighn - Dawn, Miricia[/h2] "It is you and your people that will be hearing of me!" King Jacob snapped at Gerwazy angrily. He then turned to Erik. "And I supposed the rest of the laguz will be joining you as well?" Prince Erik glanced over at the wolf and raven laguz. Though he didn't want to answer for them, he felt it best that he were the one to speak at the moment, as the King was apparently too bigoted and angry to see any sort of reason with regard to the laguz. "Correct, your highness," More quietly, he whispered to the laguz. "Don't worry about this. You have no obligation to me when we leave this palace." "Then I charge you with finding the truth and bringing the enemy Temerus back to me!" King Jacob announced, his voice echoing through the halls. "Which apparently would be right now," Erik joked quietly to the other laguz. "I promise to find the truth, King Jacob. For your father, I promise that." He nodded, gave a quick, half effort bow, and turned to leave. Gregory gave a more pronounced bow and followed the knight out. King Jacob eyed the group as they proceeded out of the throne room. [hr] "Well, that went well," Gregory murmured outside the palace gates. The group had been escorted out of the castle and back onto the streets of Dawn. "Definitely could have been worse!" He exclaimed with a warm smile. "He's blinded by his grief, and being stupid," Erik responded curtly. "The answers to this won't be in Derak. They're here, and we're wasting time." "My prince," Gregory began. "I know you want to find out who killed your friend, but isn't there wisdom in going to Derak?" "I don't really care a lot about wisdom," Erik snapped. "Jacob is dead. Whoever did it has to pay." "And I am sure justice will find him," Gregory added reassuringly. "But as much as King Jacob needed justice, so too does Temerus, does he not? Do not the people, the laguz of Miricia deserve it? We have to clear Temerus's name too. So that peace can come back here." "And what if he actually did do it?" Erik asked his knight companion. Gregory shrugged. "Then justice will be served." Erik glanced at his friend for a long while, before he looked over to the others. "What do you all believe?" He asked, before he addressed the laguz besides Gerwazy. "And by the way, you are under no obligation to stay with my group any longer. Your business is your own."