Work in progress. [hider=The Ancient Warrior, WARGRID] [center][img][/img] [b][h1][u][b]WARGRID[/b][/u][/h1][/b] [h3][i]WARFORM, DEFENSEGRID, COMBATGRID[/i][/h3][/center] [h2][b]General Information[/b][/h2] [h3]NON-COMBATANT/NEUTRAL[/h3] [h3][b]Overview[/b][/h3] The WARGRID is an immensely powerful military-issue hyper-strategic defense-and-offense computation matrix. Created by the century-long dead species known as the Othos, skilled mechanists and computational scientists, in their efforts of defense against the assailing Kobiot Stratocracy. WARGRID spent what might as well have been eons performing its given task of defending its Othos creators and annihilating the Kobiots. However, whilst ultimately victorious in the total war, the Kobiots now long extinct as a result, its masters were also destroyed, leaving the WARGRID in perpetual operation. WARGRID is, however, a defensive entity, and does not initiate offensive procedures against other entities. That being said, it is incredibly distrustful and views nations under only two conditions; "CEASEFIRE" and "WAR." What had once been an exclusively autonomous military process has now turned into an absolute absorption of former Othos territory, assimilating it into its resource acquisitioning, production, and operations processes. [h3][b]History:[/b][/h3] [h3][b]-Early History[/b][/h3] During the earliest years of Ashtari ascension, their curious minds were sated by their effects upon the galaxy. One such satisfaction was the creation of the species known only as the Othos to the most ancient-oriented of today's galactic historians. They were a curious people, quick to evolve and adapt to their planet thanks to their artificial origins. They were the result of Ashtari experimentation, and as a result were given a relatively large degree of protection from outside interference, evolving isolated as a result. Their scientifically-minded civilization grew by leads and bounds within mere centuries, soon encompassing a star-spanning nation whose only intention of being was the furthering of their understanding on matters both material and theoretical. Whilst the Othos were one of the more intellectually capable species to have graced the galaxy, they were still limited by the extents of their biological capabilities. As a result, they quickly learned to utilize mechanical engineering; what started off as wooden prosthetics eventually turned into gargantuan super-computational mathematical think-tanks composed of neural networks on unbelievable scales. And as their civilization grew more and more autonomous, as it grew more and more efficient and less utilitarian, so too did the jealousy of its local neighbours. Whilst the Othos were a protected species in their inception, the Ashtar might've realized that they were capable enough to take care of themselves, leaving them; allowing the Kobiots ire to fester. Whilst the Othos engaged in scientific discourse and philosophical debates amidst their towering spires amidst automated infrastructure, the Kobiots drew war plans and gathered intelligence on Othos domains and territories. A clash between a species forged from fire and blood and a species bathed in the peaceful and serene waters of tranquility and knowledge would soon come to shake the histories of both peoples. It would not take long for the Kobiot warfleets to arrive, thereafter shaping the foundations for one of the most savage wars to cross the stars: [hider=ARCHIVE-8D: Journal Entry 571250 (S'tam J'boff)][center][img][/img] [i]- Kobiot Grand Marshal makes landfall on Ot, year 604 -[/i][/center] [b]YEAR - [i]603[/i]; PLANET - [i]OT[/i]. AUTHOR: [i]FRONTIER-THINKER S'TAM J'BOFF.[/i] ENTRY;[/b] As we all looked up towards heaven from earth in unison, fire met out gaze, and ruin laid itself bare at our feet. Friend, family, and stranger were tossed apart, each aspect of their being neutralized and scattered into clouds of smoke and death. Moons of steel sat in orbit above our peaceful communions, above our citadels of knowledge and learning, and from these moons came down rocks ablaze and supersonic; descending; crashing. And upon its reaching the surface, from these rocks came men and women of unknown descent, unknown origin, unknown nature, wielding spears and swords of light and hearts and minds of malice. As heaven fell down upon us all, so too did those angels whom had come from it. We ran, but we were not rapid enough; with each corner turned, we were met with twelve new faces whom we had never seen before. We were hunted within our alley, along our street, into our home, and hoarded towards our square. As death seemed to descend upon me, so too did luck. With fortune incomprehensible, me and my posse were blessed by stupendous captors, and through keen eyes and rapid thinking, we managed to usurp the control from our enemy, and flee with dignity in hand.[/hider][hr] As the war raged on, and the Kobiot laid waste to city upon city, across planets and star systems, the efforts of the Othos were soon to be materialized in their ultimate construction. Upon the fifth moon of Ot were built a complex entombed far beneath ice and bedrock, a complex whose sole purpose of being was to handle that which the Othos were incapable of doing themselves. The peaceful Othos would never have imagined that what was happening, would happen; could happen. They built a warrior made of steel, a mind whose neurons and synapses consisted of virtualized quantum atoms and energies, a force whose capabilities could rival even heaven itself. They built a general whom could both build and lead an army in manners of which the Othos could never hope to imagine, and could think and device strategies and technologies to succeed in its efforts in fashions utterly incomprehensible to even its creators. As the WARGRID blared into being, a massive psyonic scream crossed across the stars as the virtual mind began thinking in fashions so complex, even its lifeless entity began to interact with planes of existences beyond convention and understanding. In one instantaneous moment, all things the Othos had ever built was taken from them, and the WARGRID absorbed it into its process. Those present were awed and fearsome both, but in that moment, the virtual mind made sound from nothing, and in a deep metallic growl it spoke to them: [center][h2]"[b]WARGRID COMMENCE WAR.[/b]"[/h2][/center] [hider=ARCHIVE-1A: BOOTLOG1][b]YEAR - [i]610[/i]; PLANET - [i]MOSOT (MOON)[/i]. AUTHOR: [i]WARGRID.[/i] ENTRY;[/b] (these were the first 'thoughts' of WARGRID. These lines appeared in the same instantaneous moment, as WARGRID is capable of thinking simultaneous thoughts) WARGRID CONDITION - RED; "WAR, WAR, WAR." DEMAND - RED; REQUEST (REALITY ENGINE) PREDICTION. DEMAND - RED; REQUEST (GRID) STATUS. GRID; STATUS - RED; "INTELLIGENCE, PRODUCTION, RESOURCE." REALITY ENGINE; REALITY ALIGNMENT PROBABILITY - 86%. WARGRID; "NETWORK CONNECTION (OTHOS) DISCOVERED." WARGRID; "NETWORK CONNECTION (OTHOS) CONNECTED." WARGRID; "NETWORK CONNECTION (OTHOS) CONTROLLED." WARGRID; "INITIALIZING CONTROL (AUTOMATION - OTHOS - ALL)." WARGRID; "CONTROL ACQUIRED (AUTOMATION - OTHOS - ALL)." WARGRID; "ASSIMILATE PROCESS (AUTOMATION - OTHOS - ALL) - WARGRID." DEMAND - RED; REQUEST (GRID) UPDATE. GRID; UPDATE; COMPLETE (QWARG1). DEMAND (PRODNET) - RED; PRODUCTION - SITE12ABC: MODEL1A (150000). DEMAND (LOGINET) - RED; RESOURCE SUPPLY REALIGNMENT (AREA14-SITE12A). DEMAND (LOGINET) - RED; RESOURCE SUPPLY REALIGNMENT (AREA9-SITE12B). DEMAND (LOGINET) - RED; RESOURCE SUPPLY REALIGNMENT (AREA8-SITE12B). DEMAND (LOGINET) - RED; RESOURCE SUPPLY REALIGNMENT (AREA4-SITE12C). LOGINET; LOGISTICS REALIGNED. PRODNET; SITE12ABC; MODEL1A (150000) - INITIALIZED. WARGRID; "INSUFFICIENT PROCESS (REALITY ENGINE);" WARGRID; "SUFFICIENT PROCESS (PRODNET);" WARGRID; "SUFFICIENT PROCESS (LOGINET);" DEMAND - RED; REQUEST (GRID) UPDATE. GRID; UPDATE; COMPLETE (QWARG2). DEMAND - RED; REQUEST (REALITY ENGINE) PREDICTION. DEMAND - RED; REQUEST (GRID) STATUS. GRID; STATUS - RED; "INTELLIGENCE, DEFEND, DEFEND." REALITY ENGINE; REALITY ALIGNMENT PROBABILITY - 96%. WARGRID; "SUFFICIENT PROCESS (REALITY ENGINE);" DEMAND - RED; REQUEST (PRODUCTION) STATUS. GRID; PRODUCTION; STATUS - YELLOW. WARGRID; "WAR, WAR, WAR." WARGRID; "WAR, WAR, WAR." WARGRID; "WAR, WAR, WAR." WARGRID; "WAR, WAR, WAR." WARGRID; "WAR, WAR, WAR." WARGRID; "WAR, WAR, WAR." WARGRID; "WAR, WAR, WAR." WARGRID; "WAR, WAR, WAR." WARGRID; "WAR, WAR, WAR." WARGRID; "WAR, WAR, WAR." DEMAND - RED; REQUEST (GRID) STATUS. GRID; STATUS - RED; "DEFEND, DEFEND, DEFEND." DEMAND - RED; REQUEST (GRID) UPDATE. GRID; UPDATE; COMPLETE (QWARG3). DEMAND - RED; ACTIVATE (STRATA NEURAL NETWORK) PROCESS. PROBABILITY ENGINE; STRATNET; INITIALIZING THOUGHT. DEMAND - RED; POWER SUPPLY REALIGNMENT (NODE1-STRATNETNODE). DEMAND - RED; POWER SUPPLY REALIGNMENT (NODE2-STRATNETNODE). DEMAND - RED; POWER SUPPLY REALIGNMENT (NODE3-STRATNETNODE). DEMAND - RED; POWER SUPPLY REALIGNMENT (NODE5-STRATNETNODE). DEMAND - RED; POWER SUPPLY REALIGNMENT (NODE6-STRATNETNODE). DEMAND - RED; POWER SUPPLY REALIGNMENT (NODE7-STRATNETNODE). DEMAND - RED; POWER SUPPLY REALIGNMENT (NODE8-STRATNETNODE). DEMAND - RED; POWER SUPPLY REALIGNMENT (NODE9-STRATNETNODE). WARGRID CONDITION - IDLE; "NULL, NULL, NULL." PROBABILITY ENGINE; STRATNET; THOUGHT COMPLETE. WARGRID; "SUFFICIENT PROCESS (STRATNET)." DEMAND - RED; POWER SUPPLY REALIGNMENT (NODENETWORK); RESET. DEMAND - RED; REQUEST (GRID) UPDATE. DEMAND - GREEN; REQUEST (THOUGHT) ARCHIVAL. WARGRID; "WAR, WAR, WAR." GRID; UPDATE; COMPLETE (QWARG4). WARGRID; "WAR, WAR, WAR." WARGRID; "WAR, WAR, WAR." WARGRID; "WAR, WAR, WAR." GRID; ARCHIVE; ARCHIVE-1A (BOOTLOG1); ARCHIVAL (THOUGHT) COMPLETE.[/hider][hr] A war was commenced, and for some it could even be said that [b]the war[/b] had commenced, in that moment. As the WARGRID sparked to life, the resonance of its thoughts ripped into the psyonic realm like a cancerous growth in expansion. Those Othos who stood close by the Network Matrix within Mosot's crust found themselves rendered of life, progressively growing less powerful as the psyonic ripple grew further and further apart as it crossed the galaxy. Unlike the Othos, the Kobiots were not of excessive intellect, and were at best average, leaving them ignorant of the horrors that would come to befall them in the near future. The WARGRID hijacked the connected network of the Othos civilization, leaving it as the sole controller of all aspects of life both affected and unaffected of the war alike. The Kobiots, however, riding on the momentum of their blitz did not cease in motion. Its High Admirals and Grand Marshals intent on rapid extermination and subjugation through overwhelming power. With a poor defensive effort, non-existant in fact, they had no reason to fear in their advances. But below their orbital palisades were silent factories turned active, producing machines and soulless soldiers to stop their rapid advances with absolute resolve. With few factory locations with access to stable supply-lines, the WARGRID utilized scrap and debris to construct its initial combatants. [hider=ARCHIVE-8178D: Kobiot Journals 15th Collection - 875th excerpt][center][img][/img] [i]- Early-generation General Constructforms utilizing Kobiot Weaponry -[/i][/center] [b]YEAR - ???; PLANET - ??? AUTHOR; ??? ENTRY;[/b] We rallied beneath the shatter-dome of the arcology in the north-north-east; our battle-cadre had recieved new advancement orders from Orbital Command. The Captain was energizing as always, the only beacon of bravery amidst our entire troop if you'd ask myself. As he raced towards the troopcarrier, his second- and third-in-command at his heels, preparing to deliver the orders upon our prey-bloodied shapes, strange silhouettes emerged in the greater distance. We activated our combat visors in unison; no connection. Our leader thus roared in warrior-fevourish glory that our enemy had at last found the courage to meet us on the field with honour. I felt my adoration swell as I readied my rifle at the distant combatants, my rifle-brothers at each flank as we assembled the firing line under orders from our leaders. Never would we have known that as we would prepare to fire upon the rapidly closing visuals to our front, that an omni-directional ambush would be triggered upon our backs. It was with chilling roars that my siblings were dismembered and murdered at my feet in consecutive actions of brutality. The ambush had tossed me aground, my feet and suit failing to hold me up as the enemy pounced. I reached for my rifle, but fortune would favour me as a steady barrage of gattling rained upon the black-and-yellow frames that had now ceased their offense and pursued withdrawal. As they returned to the shadows and urban alleys of whence they had come they carried with them the corpses and equipment of my disgraced siblings, going so far as to shoot upon the combat walker with our own weapons in retreat as it approached my position and they grew further and further away. Their movements had been unlike anything that I had seen in my time on the war-tournaments of Kaz, or the military exercises aboard the [i]Universal Conqueror[/i]. They spoke in tongues of bone-chilling steel, their growls echoing throughout my entire body long after they had disappeared. My war had ended sadly on that note, as I now descend aboard the [i]Triumph[/i] towards Kaz. They said I was to be debriefed by the Supreme High Command itself on the matters of our "opponent," it would seem I was not the only one forever shocked by their emergence.[/hider][hr] The war raged further into hellish proportions as the constantly growing army of mechanized soldiers grew further and further more advanced and complex. The Kobiot Stratocracy's ruling council, the Supreme High Command, ruled towards a new stratagem as their forces recieved ever-increasing losses and their opponent grew more and more rich with resources and technologies. This stratagem focused on attritional warfare, deciding that razing the planets were a preferred alternative to allowing their opponent to grow stronger off of the seeds of their own work and effort through centuries of technological advancements and achievements. Bombardment Fleets were organized and all former task forces were dismantled and reorganized into combat readied reservists. WARGRID's response was both obvious and successful; it detached itself from the surface and expanded within the bedrock of its stretched domain. It gathered the remaining peoples and shoved them into expanding habitation complexes, both securing its ultimate objective and its own welfare. With supply-lines detached, each stronghold became a force unto itself, and over decades the WARGRID had studied, tested, and perfected its response to its enemies. [hider=ARCHIVE-8178D: Kobiot Journals 15th Collection - 7098th excerpt][center][img][/img] [i]- After-action Debrisfield around Soth-ot -[/i][/center] [b]YEAR - ???; PLANET - ??? AUTHOR; ??? ENTRY;[/b] It was with a strange shaking that we were alerted by our enemy; the red lights and sirens sounding and blinking across the entire ship. I rushed from the restroom and back onto the bridge, raising my hand towards the combat intelligence officers and demanding a status report. With the panicked expressions of a crew far too long without combat they responded with intermittened stuttering that signatures had been located to the lower-rear of the fleet formation. As the update was relayed, the ship shook a second time- No, again. A third time. I had the communications officer patch me into the vessel-wide coms, giving out the usual combat-procedural commands with an added spice of advice for those too green to ever land on frontline posts under normal warfare doctrine. We then proceeded to face our anti-warship weaponry face towards the enemy fleet mysteriously rising out of the planet's orbit, and under fleet-wide fire coordination from the [i]Unmaker[/i], we let loose a barrage of both missiles and kinetic warheads. And that is when the silence descended, as we waited for either our own shells to connect or those of the enemy's. But that silence would be silenced by the entire fleet turning towards the powers of chaos and confusion with the immediate obliteration of the Flagship, the [i]Unmaker[/i]. Seventyseven projectiles impacted center-stern of the mighty and massive warship whose radar signature had once been a sight of safety, now turned to a symbol of horror as the signature turned into an increasing cloud. The engagement ended with horrific losses, 14 out of the 22 warships of the Fleet Orbys Royal marooned against the slow tides of vacuous space. At least I will now become an Admiral; we don't have enough anymore.[/hider] [hider=ARCHIVE-87E: Combat - Kaffa][b]YEAR - 657; PLANET - KAFFA AUTHOR; WARGRID ENTRY;[/b] PRODNET; SITE88C; MODEL877W (55) - COMPLETED. WARGRID; "SUFFICIENT PROCESS (PRODNET)." DEMAND - RED; REQUEST (GRID - SITE88) STATUS. GRID; SITE88; PRODUCTION (MODEL1151 - 12000 UNITS) 98.111152%. DEMAND - RED; REQUEST (GRID - SITE89) STATUS. DEMAND - RED; REQUEST (GRID - SITE90) STATUS. DEMAND - RED; REQUEST (GRID - SITE57) STATUS. COMMAND - YELLOW; AREA17 - "SEARCH AND DESTROY." COMMAND - GREEN; AREA17 - "SCAVANGE AND REPLICATE." WARGRID; CONDITION - RED; "WAR, WAR, WAR." COMMAND - YELLOW; AREA09 - "TARGET (PRIORITY) U18917-DD, ANNIHILATE." GRID; SITE89; PRODUCTION (MODEL1151 - 277002 UNITS | MODEL1157K - 1150 UNITS | MODEL1KKC - 166800 UNITS) 58.111978%, 88.997001%, 17.200077%. GRID; SITE90; PRODUCTION (MODEL1151 - 22811 UNITS | MODEL1157K - 11 UNITS | MODEL1KKC - 888 UNITS) 80.117287%, 96.121285%, 1, 5.551761%. COMMAND - YELLOW; AREA09 - "TARGET U18920-AD, ANNIHILATE." GRID; SITE57; PRODUCTION (MODEL908C - 37105 UNITS | MODEL22CC - 7677 UNITS | MODEL12CDD - 200000 UNITS) 43.768192%, 30.897335%, 39.155572%. COMMAND - YELLOW; AREA09 - "TARGET U18111-NC, ANNIHILATE." GRID; AREA09; TARGET (PRIORITY) U18917-DD NULLED - PROCEEDING. COMMAND - YELLOW; SITE09 - "TARGET U77-NNDN, ANNIHILATE. GRID; AREA09; TARGET U18920-AD - PROCEEDING. GRID; AREA09; TARGET U18111-NC - PROCEEDING. GRID; AREA09; TARGET U77-NNDN - PROCEEDING. DEMAND - GREEN; REQUEST (THOUGHT) ARCHIVAL. GRID; ARCHIVE; ARCHIVE-87E (COMBAT - KAFFA); ARCHIVAL (THOUGHT) COMPLETE.[/hider][hr] [h3][b]- Recent History[/b][/h3] After centuries, millennia, and the passage of the eons, the battle between the experienced Kobiot Stratocracy and their previously unfortunate victim, the Othos, has spiraled in a very unsatisfactory direction for the aggressors. Through efforts both attritional and precision warfare WARGRID has managed to push the Kobiots to their last strongholds and their last fleets of ships surrounded by an immeasurable horde of warmachines the likes of which only nightmares could fashion. The Supreme High Command, desperate in their efforts, had managed to locate the percieved central command network; a settlement locale on Ot's orbital equitorial lane; relief arriving as the news spread amongst the populace. Operation Blacksword was drafted and edited, fashioned into a proper military process which their ancestors could find pride in. The mission was simple in its relativity; construct an invisible craft, armed with the most powerful device concieved, and annihilate the apex of command within their incoming enemy as they keep their forces occupied through aggressive prodding. The mission was perfect in execution, each step synchronized down to the milisecond, and the stealthship as invisible as possible. It detonated, five brave souls sacrificed their lives for the greatest good, and the habitat was erased from existence down to the atom. It was a success, or should have been- the machines were unaffected, their actions as unceasing as ever, and their offenses as bulldozer-like as ever. The Supreme High Command had resigned their fates to oblivion with this disgraceful act, and through the last acts of this chapter of the galactic story, they took their own lives in ceremonial fashion before the grand forum assembly within the governmental district of Kaz, the doomed world. [hider=ARCHIVE-9877: Supreme High Command - Speeches (19052)][center][img][/img] [i]- Urr-Jahan Katar, the Supreme Grand Marshal of the Nation, presenting the Supreme High Command for execution by public -[/i][/center] [b]YEAR - ???; PLANET - KAZ AUTHOR; Supreme Grand Marshal of the Nation, Urr-Jahan Katar. ENTRY;[/b] Mere moments 'fore now we were a nation in war, a people of pride, a spirit of victory, a pantheon of conquest- mere moments 'fore now our fleets faced odds inconcievable and triumphed in their objectives at whatever cost necessary to protect you, the people, from those who seek us harm. Indeed, it was mere moments ago that I too, your most humble leader, and those others of whom contribute to the operations of the Supreme High Council, had a vision of triumph against evil and fires so unbearable the absolute frost evaporates within the moment. The words to come now are those of sincerity, spoken by a man who has fought tooth and nail against the uncoming tides, constructed by a mind capable of devicing the most competent of strategies and tactics; the most profound of maneuvers and the most complex of supply chains. All the above, is me, and I, my people, have failed. We, the Supreme High Command, have failed you, our people, and our past. We thought ourselves masters of the crafts and artistry of war, but we were but high on the fumes of success our people have claimed in the past. We walked within halls littered with trophies and imagined ourselves invincible. That belief will now end, as I, and the sitting Supreme High Command will submit ourselves for Joshi'tari. The people, we have doomed you, and we submit ourselves to your wrath. [/hider][hr] With the erasure of government of the Kobiot Stratocracy, so too was the erasure of the Othos, who had been gathered where the Kobiot believed the central matrix lie. The last billion lives of the Othos were deleted with instantaneous matter-annihilation, leaving not even atoms in its wake. This instantaneous event caused a logic-loop so powerful its existence was deleted and the erasure of the Othos was eliminated from logic. As the steel legions and fleets race towards a defeated people, a dead nation, and dying resistances, it would not take more than half a century (145 years ago) for the last Kobiot in the galaxy to be obliterated from galactic history. Incapable of surrender without a nation and government at their helm, the Kobiots died in inevitability, and any presence of which they had both material and immaterial was deleted; cyberattacks were focused on posts made from Kobiot IPs on the galactic network. With the completion of this event, the WARGRID entered condition GREEN, "CEASEFIRE, REPRIORITIZE, REORGANIZE." for the first time in history. The ruined cities of the Kobiots were razed by excavators and recyclers whose proportions were beyond gargantuan in scope and capability, replaced by complex constructs whose purpose were either the furthering of the WARGRID's [b]process[/b] or the mind's ability to execute and react to elements involving aforementioned process. Legions or constructforms, both military and logistic, were recycled and turned into material to expand infrastructure and defensive abilities. Fleets were dismantled and deorbited in order to face the same fate as all other constructions; to further the WARGRID's capabilities to perform its duties. Constructions of vast, fully automated, and luxorious orbital habitation-stations were initiated in orbit around AREA1, the object once known as Ot now turned into a world-spanning computational engine: the WARGRID. Their construction carefully proportioned to the predicted population increases according to the supposed population which the WARGRID believes exists. [hr] With the disappearance of the Ashtar the mind proceeded to pursue a tertiary objective; securing the longevity of the Othos. The prediction engine percieved a high probability for the presence of DNA samples to exist on the planet Agdemmar. Should this prediction prove true, not is it only an incomprehensible security threat should it fall into others' hands, but it would also prove beneficial should the Othos, who are now extinct, die out within the understanding of the mind. In order to pursue this objective, constructions of Designed Constructforms were initialized and completed. Rapidly sent towards their objective, stealthily inserted within the system to locate both resources and technologies, but prioritized genetic manipulation facilities and DNA archives. These scouts, whilst surveyors, also expand the WARGRID's comprehension through their presence. [h3][b]Major Holdings[/b][/h3] [i]Complexes constructed by the WARGRID are black in appearance, thanks to the usage of an electronic warfare-resistant alloy with additional partial light-absorption properties. As such, the planets which have undergone terrestrial transformation into planet-complexes are invisible to the eye. However, the planets excrete an incomprehensible amount of both heat and anti-psions (inverted psionic forces, harmful based on proximity.[/i] AREA1 - Formerly known as Ot, a fortress of thinkers designed by the Ashtar to perhaps even rival or surpass their own minds, a civilization risen from nothing into being constructors of marvels of the ancient past. As the Kobiot War spanned, the WARGRID's performance desired increases, and the once-moon-now-computer MOSOT was carefully deorbited and landed aboard the surface of the planet, carefully integrated into what has now, after centuries of ceaseless construction, become a planet-sized computation-engine. It is here that WARGRID's 'conscious' is stored and its comprehension, prediction, and strategic subsystems are stored. All of its mechanisms and circuitry being powered by the still-active core, the entire surface removed through eons of strip-mining and construction-work. For species who utilize the psionic element to enhance their vision, or replace their vision, the planet glows fiercely no matter where one stands in the galaxy. SITE2 - Amongst Ot's many moons were Mosot, the home of the WARGRID before it migrated, and aboard Somot lie the Prediction Engine: a reality-simulation engine capable of incomprehensible predictions and comprehension based on both hypothetical and factual knowledge known by the WARGRID and previously produced by the Prediction Engine to horrifying detail. Somot, much like Mosot, has now turned into a stellar object made of steel since long ago, however it has remained in orbit as opposed to the central WARGRID itself; the Prediction Engine has a lower security priority. This location is the reason why, should you communicate with the WARGRID, it may at times seem like it is able to read your mind. AREA12 - Formerly known as Kaffa, one of the settlements made by the Othos in their early history during the first stages of wonderlust from the discovery of space travel. It has now become the central construction hub and transportation center for the WARGRID's logistic network. Sites 11-60 are all located on this one location, and its produce amount to a total third of the WARGRID's entire production capabilities. It is the only entirely-constructed factory within the entire network. SITE58 - A large ship anchorage and orbital drydock, the location lies within the center of the WARGRID's warpgate network and is therefore the single best location for a constant contingent-fleet of defensive-purpose vessels capable of rapid-response to threats. It maintains a cubic shape, intermittened with empty slots perfectly designed for the ship-sizes and classes of the WARGRID's numerous warships. In addition, it is also where the Hyperdreadnought was first anchored after it was constructed on the surface of AREA12 within its large drydocks. The Site is additionally connected to the surface through four seperate space elevators, whose purpose is to transport four seperate classes of material necessary for ship-maintenance produced on the surface. AREA58 - Formerly Kaz, the once glorious city-world of the proud and warlike Kobiot peoples. It is presently in the process of terrestrial transformation, its resources stripmined and gradually replaced with structures and machinations whose intent is to further increase the WARGRID's ability to perform its tasks. It is the planet closest to Agdemmar, and as such was the location where the design for the Designed Constructforms sent there were sent and produced. [h2][b]Demographics[/b][/h2] [h3][b]Population[/b][/h3] Not an actual number, but this is the section to talk about your people. Folks with multiple species, a percentage breakdown of those species might be nice. Descriptions of all those lovely species would also be nice. [h3][b]Society[/b][/h3] Daily life and such. Not the most important section but useful for giving us a sense of how your citizens actually feel about their nation. Can include religion, fashion, etc. [h3][b]Economy[/b][/h3] This could go under society if you like. Mostly just make it clear up front if you’re an industrial powerhouse, a nation of refined master artisans, etc. Also things people might want to know for trading purposes. [h3][b]Government[/b][/h3] My favourite part <3. Probably the most important of the demographics sections. Who runs the place, how do they run it. Since you will presumably be RPing people in your government, this is pretty critical. [h2][b]Technological Information[/b][/h2] [h3][b]Major Techs[/b][/h3] Mostly interested in military techs, here: FTL, weapons, shields, armor, power, engines, etc. Civilian techs are also here, and sometimes just as important. [h2][b]Military Information[/b][/h2] [h3][b]Military Overview[/b][/h3] Describe general doctrine, history, whatever floats your space boats. [h3][b]Fleet/Navy[/b][/h3] Your space boats. Include pics or don’t, I’m not your supervisor. You’ll probably want to have one or two of most of the classes, but it doesn’t really matter too much. I’m also including some flavour options here that you might want to consider. In short, the history of the galaxy has divied up ship designs into three waves: Great War (ships built before and during the Great War), Detente (ships built during the Detente, some wonky designs in the larger classes due to treaty limitations), and Modern (ships built in the year since the message) [b]DO NOT put your hyperdread here, it gets its own section.[/b] Dreadnoughts: Only a few were built before the end of the Great War, the destructive potential of these vessels was a major contributor to ending the conflict. Those old ones are pretty obsolete, and any new ones are only just coming into service (mostly in secret) due to the Treaty of Detente banning their construction. Battleships: The grand old ladies that did all the fighting of the Great War. The Treaty of Detente imposed limitations on their sizes and destructive potential, so if you want to get intricate there’s 3 waves of battleships: Great War, Detente, and Modern. Great War is self explanatory, old sluggers and antiques. Detente battleships were awkward creations involving all kinds of elaborate ways to get around the Treaty without actually violating it. Lots of glass cannon designs here, or iron fortresses that couldn’t scratch eachother’s paint, or half baked experimental weapon systems, or novel propulsion methods that only work if nobody on board sneezes. Modern battleships are just coming into service, and are quite deadly. Battlecruisers: The treaty of Detent also limited battlecruisers, in an effort to avoid just slightly reducing the size of ship involved in any potential arms race. Similar design iterations to Battleships; Great War, Detente, and Modern. Detente battlecruisers were often cripplingly overspecialized: dedicated point defence ships, artillery vessels, mass shielding vessels, etc. Battlecruiser designs from the Detente period were often put together as a way to shore up the weaknesses of their contemporaneous Battleship partners. Cruisers: Nothing special here. Destroyers: Still nothing special. Frigates: Nope. Corvettes: Corvettes can be thought of in several iterations just kidding I don’t care what you do with these things. Unless you try to just upscale what I’m trying to avoid with strike craft. Strike craft: K I’m actually gonna sort of limit these things, or rather, the things that carry them around. Strike craft have long been an important part of space combat, so most nations have them and defences against them. Historically, they’ve been used as close in support; no one’s yet figured out how to strap useful FTL drives on the things. All this means that long range strikes aren’t practical. What I’m trying to get at is Carrier’s aren’t really a thing, or at least dedicated carriers aren’t. Plenty of room for Battlestar type things (fighty-boats with a solid complement of strike craft), but no dropping off a carrier squadron on one side of the system then expecting your strikecraft to win the fight on the other side. A notable exception is your Hyperdread. Do whatever you want with your super special awesome boat. [h3][b]Army/Planetary forces[/b][/h3] Outline some doctrine, highlight some major units. I’m not great at doing ground forces so not much guidance here. ANNNDDD [h3][b]Hyperdread[/b][/h3] Go frikin nuts. Pics are nice. [/hider]