Ri'vashi had learned long ago not to become involved in what, for the most part, amounted to bickering between Teroiah and gro-Tagnud. Although part of her did share Teroiah's distrust for Hal-Neesa, being able to form an actual plan of attack ahead of the invasion was an advantage that could not be understated. At present, they just had general knowledge of the kinds of environments and enemies to expect in the Fields of Regret. They would not even know what kind of terrain the portal itself would form in. Having a plan ahead of time would substantially quicken the pace at which they could deploy their armies. As usual, Hal-Neesa did not waste time with pleasantries once she saw Sabine and the others at the top of the ramp. "Finally, there you are. Stay clear of the room's center. The mechanism will move, and I do not want you damaging it if it strikes you." Neesa had evidently already been prepared, as she pressed a button to activate it right away. There was a loud sound and they could feel the platform shaking underneath them as the mechanism suddenly came to life. The massive, orb-like device at the center of the oculory rotated around to align the focusing crystals embedded into it. Shortly afterwards, Hal-Neesa activated the mechanical arms attached to the top of the dome, which reflected and focused the light shining in from the top through their crystals. Eventually, all of the parts of the mechanism reached their intended alignment, projecting their light onto the wall underneath the controls. Even before Neesa made it down the ramp to join them, they would be able to see clearly that the device was projecting a map. Just at first glance, and without any explanations, some of the details would be difficult to interpret, but distinguishing features like rivers and mountains were easy to identify. The fading of the map at its edges suggested that there was more to the realm beyond what was being shown, but the strangest and most obvious detail they could see was a bright point of light large enough to obscure the terrain of a fairly large area. There were other, smaller points of light scattered around as well, but nothing so bright as to interfere with the map. [hr] "I think to say that I simply 'read it somewhere' does not give justice to the value of my source." Meesei answered, still not lacking any confidence. "I think you know by now that I had access to Psijic writings in Apocrypha. Several of my spells, time manipulation, there is nowhere I could have gained that knowledge. But, I did not find just a simple spellcasting manual. What I read were the personal notes of one of the ranking members of the order. Notes on her magical research, personal thoughts, musings on her life within the order. I'm sure you recognize how valuable of a perspective that is, and why I am so sure to suggest this." Meesei brought one hand up to Lunise's shoulder and lightly smiled. "I just need you to trust me; I do not believe you will regret this. The monk who wrote those notes, I believe she is the one currently in charge of maintaining and adjusting the island's defenses. She described in detail the previous tuning spell she was adjusting, which is how I learned of it. The notes I read will be written in about ten years, so that tuning spell may be in use. If not, then I will simply be unable to establish a portal, and there will be no harm. If the Psijics decide that they do not want to allow your visit, then the worst they will do will be to make us leave, and if that happens, I promise I will not argue with them. And given their scrying abilities...perhaps this will not be so unexpected for them?"