[h2]Sir Lancelot[/h2] For one of Greek myth's most celebrated teachers to be assigned to judging their abilities was a high honour--though with Mordred's interest in the man and unexpected recollection, the traitor knight would insist on being the first to take the opportunity. Though there was no reason that [i]any[/i] of the knights should be able to remember meeting with someone that had long been turned into a constellation by their time... Bradamante's reaction was more familiar. Exceedingly so, given Sir Gareth had reacted the [i]exact same way[/i] when everyone convened for the first time today. The prudent thing to do was to interrupt the gushing before she got too carried away and forgot why they were here--and before she might notice Tristan or Gawain's attitudes. [i]He[/i] wasn't going to do something so forward with such a fervent admirer. No matter their outfit. "You've had contact with Merlin? Do you mind explaining before we fight?" If that wizard was still around, there was no telling what tricks he might get up to. Or whose dreams he might invade. [hr] [h2]Alkyrieaze von Einzbern[/h2] "You have to be the single most pathetic Master I've seen so far," Alkyrieaze said, looking at the amazing lack of results, "My previous model could control Heracles and you can't even command seal someone to [i]not fight[/i]." Of course, whilst the child was saying this and walking round to be closer to Jason, Altera was reacting to the shot with all appropriateness: cutting the bullet out of the air, and bringing the Sword of Mars down to engage the Berserker in melee. Something that, perhaps unsurprisingly, was decisively in her advantage: even were her parameters not superior, a divine construct was an advantageous melee weapon over a Servant's katana. Particularly one with more resemblance to a whip than a sword. And Altera was just as aggressive a fighter. The homunculus, meanwhile, was simply sighing as she tried to think of how to end this. Not that killing a berserker was all that bad in her mind, but it would be inconvenient, which meant... finding some other way to get him to stop fighting than lop limbs off. Fortunately, she had the skills of her predecessors, even if she was even more hopeless in fighting, which meant as soon as she was close enough to Jason... and so long as Altera kept Hijikata away... One or two hairs from her head made an [i]excellent[/i] noose around the throat. Alchemical wire was quite beyond a normal person to break. Oh, he might protest when he realised what the child had so quickly done, but--"Berserker, if you don't stop fighting, you Master dies, and you fail whatever your mission is."