[@Kinjaav] Aava listened Evren explain his relationship with the shadow man as they walked. The whole time the näkki's expression was sour, unchanging. Maybe now she was even a little angry at Evren himself. It felt very familiar, to have Evren remembering the past through rose coloured glasses. No matter what had happened in her friend's past, Aava was hurt by the recent events and her protectiveness over her friend was stronger than any love on this earth. [color=teal]"(I was wrong),"[/color] Aava admitted after Evren stopped talking. [color=teal]"(You are blind after all.)"[/color] That was all she said, words curt, tone holding an air of disappointment. [color=teal]"People change. Monsters stay the same,"[/color] Aava quoted with a heavy Finnish accent. She didn't remember where she'd heard that, but it had been a long long time ago. Someone who spoke English. Maybe it was the figure who had trapped her oh so long ago. In Aava's mind, she wasn't sure which was worse, however. People changing, or monsters - like her - never doing so. Because that's what she was, a monster. That's what the skeleton man had implied. Her friend had only put it into words. If the shadow man was a monster too, he would never change, either. To Aava, he was a monster. But to Evren, the shadow man was a person. Person... People, they changed over time. But change, it didn't always mean changing for the better. That was the cruel truth of being a person.