[@Sigma] An Ashtari cult would certainly be a possibility as the Asrians (name of my faction, they're all humans though) see themselves as an Apprentice faction of the Ashtar. Though they generally don't crack down religion, most don't believe the Ashtar are gods (this is more on account of their own arrogance than believing the Ashtar were great enough to be gods). So a Sect certainly could have formed and all cultists from Asra (the home planet) would have at the very least some latent psionic powers (though it would generally have to be aided by technology to be viable). However, if they chose to act during the Great War through terrorism inflicted upon any of the Crown Worlds (Asra, the homeworld) or Noble worlds (Worlds meant mostly for the advancement of culture and science), the sect would be hunted down. So any missionaries would be politely but firmly asked to leave.