[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/259127955945553922/589297266402131968/Basilisk.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://d2homsd77vx6d2.cloudfront.net/cache/7a/2e/7a2eca87d796d9fd03a702d75817da61.png[/img][/center] A quiet alarm began to chime at four thirty in the morning. A large scaled finger swiping it away marked another night of little sleep, not that sleep had ever been a priority for Basilisk. His body rarely got tired the way it was, sore muscles just needing a few minutes of rest to get back to normal. The fibers of his muscles knitting back together and flushing away the cramps. There was never an exhaustion, even in the worst of fights. Just the worry, the fear, a bone tiredness that came from just being in the thick of things for far to long. Not that those sorts of things had plagued him in nearly a year. No, now his only worry was the sounds he had picked up through the half conscious state his altered form considered sleep. One of the kids had a cough, another had woken a nightmare bad enough that their roommate had been roused from sleep and had helped them calm down. He'd listened in but kept to his room. No matter how used the children were to his presence Basilisk's frame was still enough to freeze the unexpected who encountered him in the dark. He'd check the sheets once everyone was up and about and change them if need be. But for now he had to get ready for the day. It took an hour, every morning, to make sure no knew spikes had grown. Nothing that could catch on his clothing or one of the kids. Any offending protrusions of scale hard bone snapped off and tossed into the flower box outside the window to rot away. Thankfully they didn't bleed so there was no reason to waste more time waiting for each snapped spike to heal. Then once the spikes were cleared away and clothes were donned Basilisk hunched his way out of the room and lumbered down the hall towards the kitchen. Thankfully none of the kids were running around this early and he could get to work preparing breakfast for the bunch. Claws punched through can lids as his tail retrieved ingredients from the fridge for the morning meal, pancakes and canned fruits. A little treat for the kids for the weekend and something simple for him to whip together, though it was using the last of the flour that they had left. He'd have to pick up more while running errands. The smell of breakfast soon began to draw attention through the halls as orphan and employee alike made their way to the kitchen to pick up their stack. They each thanked him as they grabbed the plates, but the eyes slid away before they ever reached his face. Still scared... He bit back a sigh continued to cook. Once everyone had eaten and another one of Cynthia's people had taken over the dishes Basilisk called out, the kids who had been chattering quieting down as he spoke. [color=39b54a]"Alright runts, I'm running out to get some sh-stuff... If you've got anything you need tell me now. Anything you want comes after."[/color] None of the kids spoke up and he took it in stride. He had expected the silence and moved towards the exit, scooping one of the younger orphans out of his way with his tail and gently setting them to the side before he made his way out the front door. He cycled through the things he needed to get in his head. "Medicine for the kid's cough, flour for the kitchen, detergent for the laundry.. and maybe if I've got some spare cash I can pick up something to make brownies. It's been a while since I've made those. Since before the end of the world..." He grumbled as the thought came to mind unbidden and he shook his head. The flicking motion of his tail and head drawing a few wary looks from the other people walking the early morning streets. Ignoring the stares he hunched his shoulders and began making his way further downtown to retrieve the things he needed. [u] [/u] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/259127955945553922/589297735660732444/Calvin_Ball.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://d2homsd77vx6d2.cloudfront.net/cache/7a/2e/7a2eca87d796d9fd03a702d75817da61.png[/img][/center] Samantha, Calvin Ball, was buzzing with energy as the men in charge wrapped up their speeches and the Director started to make his way towards the small group of capes that had gathered near the front of the chamber. She had to get up there, there were so many questions she wanted to ask and just meeting the man in charge seemed like something any cape looking to earn their stripes would do. But in her costume, the modified Junior Guard uniform she had been given, it wasn't like she could just run up there! There were the members of the other squads who had been called into attendance that shot her looks when she had gotten to squirrely in her seat, annoyed that the mention of super powered criminals in the streets seemed to energize the young parahuman instead of sober her. They were the unpowered, the ones that on the best of days would just ignore her in the headquarters and at worst would be on the edge of their seats waiting for even the smallest slip up. They wanted her to be punished, they wanted that dumb smile that always seemed to be on her face to be wiped away by another session of cleaning detail by herself instead of being out there in the city helping! And there wasnt a single bit of their thinking that Samantha resented. Some of the members of other squads had been fighting parahumans since even before Gold morning, scars and cold stares told their stories. And to them she was one of the dangerous ones, reckless and unpredictable. Having bounced between Junior Guard squads since the beginning, all because of one over eager throw that had melted half their van and placed her squarely on the shitlist of everyone who hated the collateral damage that capes caused. And she had taken it all in stride. Late night patrols, hour after hour of pointless cleaning detail, running between offices acting as a glorified messenger girl in a mask, and being the only member of her squad that had attended the meeting that required attendance to be punctual or be locked out. She had accepted the task of taking notes (not realizing the event was going to be televised until she had looked up five minutes into the meeting) and now wanted nothing more than to be mixing it up with the other heroes! One of them was shaking the Director's hand even as she just sat there, staring through the wide lenses of her mask. She had to get up there! She just had to! Maybe if she just waited a little longer she could make it seem like she wasn't so eager to rub elbows with the other costumed people in the room. So she put her plan into motion. Sloooooooowly she made her way to the table with all the food on it, warmly greeting anyone she caught the gaze of with a "Hello!" as she just grabbed a bagle and some yogurt off the trays. Then she sloooooooowly made her way through the small crowd of people. Moving between groups and trying to seem like she belonged to the conversations that immediately ended upon them noticing her presence. She continued her "casual" approach, oblivious to the fact that anyone with eyes that bothered to pay her half a thought would catch her staring at the group of five heroes with wide excited eyes.