Thankfully whatever that chemical was that caught fire wasn't strong. It was doused quickly enough by the dirt and Asura's own liquid body. Mother Slime looked a bit singed, but she'd recover soon enough with some sleep. She let out a sigh, which sounded like someone poking into silly putty, she'd never get the full english language... The System chimed in and let Asura know he leveled up again. Ardur seemed to say what he wanted his points in, Asura was a bit more private than that. [color=red][i]Two points into Overwork, one point into Mental Resistance, two points into Stronger.[/i][/color] He thought, using only half of the points he had for the moment. [color=red]"System, Analyze Unusable Skill Slime Shell."[/color] He said aloud, he was going to see if the damn thing would explain exactly [b]what[/b] certain Skills were. He could figure out things if he had some sort of description. Ardur began messing with the Beetles body, seemingly divvying out the food it'd provide. While he was doing that Asura slithered into the Flak Beetles 'nest' and began to tunnel. He absorbed rocks into himself to act as teeth to tunnel more effectively. He pulled the loose dirt into himself, filling his 'inventory' before going out and discharging the dirt around the opening to make the hole more difficult to see. Ardur soon joined in in the digging though. [color=red]" Relax and Meditate, if you can, see if you can get rid of your Mana Burn. Even if my Stamina runs out I have more health to work with. Maybe forcing everything to get so low will make my 'pool' bigger."[/color] He said before going back in to dig out the 'Nest' further. Widening the 'room' but using what he could to reinforce the sides and top. It was only dirt after all and it could collapse. [color=red]"If your spider friend could uh...spread some webbing on the 'ceiling, that'd be nice though. To make a catch net just in case it decides it wants to cave in."[/color] He called out. He remembered that spider silk had a stupidly high tensile strength for what it was and Steve was massive compared to human world spiders.