[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190613/00b281daa0301cc6f5e7e85e7ef70714.png[/img] [sub][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E41Wrmew0dk&list=PLvyQCgG0Bb_Sj3OJK_gw9CPE8oSpyXwio&index=11]While You Were Away[/url][/sub] [img]https://i.imgur.com/UYofGku.png[/img] ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ The sunlight filtered in through the green tree's, tiny particles floating in the warm rays of yellow. Laying comfortably on the ground was a boy with messy brown hair, a large sleek camera clutched firmly in his hands. He was watching a tiny rabbit that had been hopping around, the creature aware of his presence. The boy had been in that same position for nearly 30 minutes now but he didn't mind, even though his muscles were beginning to ache and his hands were shaking slightly he didn't want to miss out on such a wonderful animal going about it's day. A little more time passed before the boy let out a heavy sigh and flopped into a relaxed position, the rabbit startled darted away to some unknown hiding spot. With a smile on his face Elliot got to his feet and began to click through the dozen's of photo's he had snapped, a cute fluff ball simply living life to it's fullest. Some people weren't able to do that.... The though of the Lily flashed through his mind, a twinge of pain filling his chest. [i]"She did nothing wrong...."[/i] He thought, wondering where she was now. What sickness had grabbed her and stolen her from the bright life she had yet to live? But then again many people did nothing wrong yet still they were caught in the web of evil that seemed to pollute the world, innocents who did not deserve what they had gotten. Lily's sudden disappearance shook the residents, those both new and old. Even his own Aunt Sabrina was beginning to worry. Speaking of his Aunt he realized he had no idea how long he had been out here and glancing at his phone, was it really that late already!? [color=F08080]"Oh Aunt Sabby is going to kill me."[/color] He groaned, quickly leaving the small patch of tree's he had journeyed to early that morning. ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ [img]https://i.imgur.com/MydrGfM.gif[/img] [color=fff79a]"Elliot you need to stop getting up so early, your really going to mess up your sleep schedule if you keep doing it. I know for a fact you were up late, honestly if you plan on ever doing well in life you need to take more responsibility for yourself instead of spending all your time taking pointless pictures."[/color] It was the same old rant he heard pretty much every morning, Aunt Sabrina didn't think that photography would ever amount to anything for Elliot and constantly pressured him into to getting a real job. No matter how many times he tried to explain to her that his pictures were the only thing he really enjoyed she simply didn't listen..but then again it wasn't her fault. Aunt Sabrina worked at Moore University as a Business professor and didn't think some little hobby would ever make real money. [color=F08080]"Auntie, I'm actually making pretty good money with my photography, In fact I was asked to take a few pictures at the town meeting today."[/color] A moment of silence ensued, both of them knew what the meeting was about and how high emotions would be running. Aunt Sabrina sighed as she glance out the window. [color=fff79a]"I pray for the Mayor and the rest of his family, poor Lily. No one deserves such a fate." [/color] Elliot got up from the table and grabbed both of their dishes from breakfast and set them in the sink, a frown on his face. The tightness her felt in his chest was only growing. [color=F08080]"You know she might not be dead, no one has said anything official."[/color] But they both knew that was wrong, everyone knew how slim the chance would be that she was alive. But he wanted to believe that his friend was alive and that she would come back to them, that same old smile on her face. Elliot had been friends with Lily since they were children, they had grown up together along with his other friend Elizabeth. God he couldn't even imagine how Liz felt...it has been an entire week since Lily had simply vanished. Just the thought of the pain that she was in made Elliot's heart hurt, he wanted to comfort her. He wanted to do something for the girl he felt so much for. Deciding to go out of his comfort zone Elliot grabbed his cellphone and shot a text to his friend; [color=F08080][i]"Do you want to talk after the meeting?"[/i][/color] Lily and Liz had always been super close, so much so that he often just felt like a third wheel in their friendship, however the way both of them lit up and smiled cause him to stay. While nothing could match the positive light that Liz gave off, Lily was the one who encouraged him to seriously pursue his love for photography. In fact both of them where there when he was getting bullied in school - they were literally the ones who had made him what he was today. [/center]