[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586356780058279939/586925405886218268/123.png[/img] [b][u]January 1st, 11:00 AM Abandoned Building, Gotham City[/u][/b][/center] Jean hadn't moved from her spot for what felt like some time. Eventually, she started to hear sirens that arrived at the scene. Police and other emergency services that arrived at the scene to, undoubtedly, ensure no one comes closer to what was a scene of a crime. Rising her head from her knees, she looked at the collapsed building that was in front of her. Among the rubble they'll find the stolen goods bag she had, along with the body of the other man. As if things couldn't get any worse. Moving to stand up slowly, Jean could hear people that were going over what was now a huge pile of rubble. She imagined that pretty soon, they would find her, and then either try to put her down or take her in. For some reason, Jean though the former was the more likely option. And she didn't like the thought one bit. She did have her baton on her person, tucked away in the worn-out jacket pocket she was wearing. Knowing that being found with the baton would be also less than ideal, she looked around the alley, scanning it as fast as she could. Eventually, she found a solution in the shape of a large garbage container, or rather, behind one. She grabbed her folded baton and threw it behind the container, knowing the majority of the people wouldn't look behind those things. At least, Jean figured they wouldn't have any reason to even look for that, seeing how she never took it out when the two men came and tried to deal with her. Taking a deep breath, she turned towards the street, raised her hands high and began to step forward, until she could spot the first police officers [color=#1589FF]"Please don't shoot! I'm the one you're looking for. I want to help clear things. And you need to try and clear the rubble in the south-east corner of the building, a man is trapped there!"[/color] She called out to all of them, hoping it wasn't too late for that man. Even if it meant that afterwards they'll find the bag, Jean didn't care. She wanted to make sure the man was alive first. A couple of officers would approach slowly, making sure no tricks are being played, before one would reach out and then begin handcuffing her. It was a strange sensation, being caught, but it was for the right reason. At least, she believed it was for the right reason [color=#1589FF]"Please, you have to look for the man. South East corner of the building."[/color] Jean said again.