[@Typical] Nicely posted. This little adventure you're having here has entertained me quite well, especially since you had no idea what's going on. I hope you've had fun, too. Though, I do believe it's time to finish this particular event in this room. What will you decide? [@Gardevoiran] Nicely posted. Donating a lot makes the GM happy, money well spent, I hope, heh. Posted some reactions to what you said, minus what you said to Valen. Oh, and [@prettydrops], you may still reply to what Skylar said and what's going on around there, you've not been completely left behind, hah. [@Ephemeral] Ah, you went for her... Heh. Alright, then. I hope you're ready to face the consequences. I mean, you can't just speak to random people in the Pokémon world and NOT expect this to happen, can you!? XD ... Anyways, nicely posted! [@Eklispe] Yupp. Nicely posted. You can ask that, but, unfortunately Cresselia has her own beef with Darkrai. She certainly would have stopped if it was ONLY for Roderick... but this is for herself, too. Heh. [@Rune_Alchemist] Yupp. Nicely posted. Celebrating someone else, heh. Let's see if I can't reward you a bit for that. That said, this situation is not entirely cleared up, yet. Also, apparently Earth gods are in some kind of legends over here, because I'm having Frans name his Pokémon after them. Though, if you just point out the problem to Frans, I can have you out of this event in the next post, if you just want to move on. [@Joshua Tamashii] And nicely posted. It becomes a lot more complicated when there's a whole bunch of Pokémon to control, huh? Well. As requested, I didn't actually write the Moonblast hitting, as I would have otherwise, but now it's descending fast instead. Yeah.