In that case, I did edit my last post--just the last couple paragraphs--to make my life easier with her next response. Hope that's okay! Her questions remained the same, I just got rid of the contemplation of adoption. Nothing that looked like it could change any response. Let me know if that's okay? If not, I'll gladly edit again. :-) And sorry about that! And for the wait. I'll get to an actual IC reply as soon as I'm able. "Essentially like a reincarnation." So not an actual, full-fledged reincarnation type deal, just something borderline? For a type of reference point, anything like in [i]The Last Airbender[/i], where it seems more like a connection to those of the past who have held the Avatar powers, rather than what the concept is typically? Sorry, I only ask because I tend to not be a fan of using the full-fledged concept, but I have had exceptions, depending on how--and why--it's used. So just trying to get a read on that here. Eh, I haven't noticed! Or haven't felt like I'm playing a background character, anyway. I get and understand that! Until you get more into a story, the character(s) it's following may not always appear to be extremely important in the whole grand scheme of things. But then you get a reveal, or something happens later on, and you see how potent a character's presence is. As I've said, so far, I'm enjoying this, and like the group you've introduced so far. They all feel pretty important to me. You know, I'd probably be on the sad side if they lose Darsby. xD (Not poking for spoilers! I like the suspense of not knowing. Just making the statement.) You sing, right? I remember you sending me a video once of you singing and a friend playing the guitar. Unless I just imagined that... Those are the best kind! And problems not being what they seem are even better. *Evil grin.*