[indent] [/indent][h3][hr][color=Tan]Ferris Talese[/color][/h3][hr][sup][i][@Pezz570][@HokumPocus][/i][/sup][indent] [/indent] Ferris was silent as he listened to Chres, his face blank as he processed the man’s words. So the other half of the group was off trying to enlist help from outside forces. The one doing the enlisting would have to be Karina, who, Ferris was told, had ties to the Nation of Touch’s army. What those ties entailed was intriguing, since it seemed like she had more than a little sway if she could summon armies with only messages, but Ferris had been told nothing of personalities and was therefore unable to gauge whether or not he’d be able to win her trust. If she and the others were anything like Chres or Octavio, who seemed apathetically accepting of his entrance, accepting him as another pair of hands to help, he could hope to become incorporated into the team more quickly than he’d planned, but he doubted all of them would be as accepting of him. One was bound to be wary, and just one if he was lucky. Chres’ point that the others might be able to recruit help and allow them to leave without dealing with the seed, though, seemed unlikely. Considering the power of the person who’d sent him, sorcerer or not, Ferris doubted the group would be able to leave without dealing with the seed they’d been sent to deal with. If they weren’t required to resolve the situation, Ferris doubted that the man would have sent them. Considering that they were up against precognition like the Cult of Insight, the man likely had his own methods of divining or affecting the future. Why else would he have sent them and not dealt with the cult himself? Ferris, though, kept this to himself. Starting an argument so early was a bad choice if he wanted to earn his new teammates’ trust, especially if the situation might resolve itself eventually. Chres and Octavio seemed to understand that the other group might not succeed in their efforts, and that amount of doubt sat fine with Ferris. The Watch, though, seemed like a very real possibility of help. If anything, contacting and enlisting help from an internal militant group seemed more along the lines of what Ferris had been sent here to do, and if he was hedging bets, he’d guess that the man who’d gathered the group likely intended for them to find The Watch. Of course, Ferris knew that he was doing a lot of guesswork here, assuming the man who sent him was able to see the future and had gathered the group to stop the Cult of Insight, but with the facts he was working with, it was hard not to see it as such. Octavio’s point that the group’s faces were now known to the cult was a good one. Now that Ferris was part of the group and, by extension, the future in which they might stop the cult, he too would be known to the cult, losing him his anonymity despite only arriving this morning. It was wildly unfair that their enemies had the power of knowledge of both the present and future on their side, since bridging gaps between present and future could, sometimes, be a simple task, but Ferris supposed he ought to trust that the man who'd organized them hadn't done so on a whim. As he listened, Ferris found himself pondering how he was planning on gaining the group’s trust. It’d been a long time since he’d had to earn trust, let alone from a group so strange and scattered. As a bounty hunter, when he wasn’t working alone, he was united with others under a common, understandable goal: turn in the bounty and get the gold. He trusted other hunters with his life only because there was a mutual understanding that they’d be of use to each other, and after they’d taken down the target that understanding became one of knowing that neither of them wanted to tread the path of mutual destruction. If these understandings couldn’t be reached, Ferris wouldn’t have bothered to with a partnership in the first place, but his current situation was different. He didn’t choose his teammates, and he wasn’t aware of their goals. Equally alarmingly, the same could be said about his teammates, since he wasn’t inclined to share his own goals—at least not yet. All that said, though the group’s future goals might differ, their present circumstances and goals were the same. The man who’d organized them hadn’t provided a platform for trust in the future, but he’d provided one for the present, and Ferris could work with that for now. With a target in mind, Ferris was in his element, albeit a more conflict-rich one this time around. Octavio was correct that combat was all but inescapable at this point. Disguises would do them no good in the long run, given the cult’s abilities, but neither would attempting to hide. There was no telling when and where insight might alert the cult to their whereabouts, so, in a way, their best option was to keep moving ahead. [color=Tan]“We should keep moving. Disguises might buy us time, but the Insight will catch up,”[/color] Ferris said, reaching for his mask as he turned to the Innkeeper. [color=Tan]“Where do we meet the man who can take us to The Watch?”[/color]