[h2][center]Marionetta Molly[/center][/h2] [hr] [@SimpleWriter][@KaijuBaragon][@Spike][@OwO] "Not anymore, you're not." The answer to Dean's question was carried into the room by a velvety-smooth woman's voice, deepened by her maturity. Looking in the direction it came from, any of the villains in the room would be able to see one of the aforementioned new villains; a woman dressed in a flowing, puffed-up ballgown of black and white, adorned with a large white bow cut in the shape of a bat's wings, wearing a mask over her eyes and nose. Her body, leaning forward at an angle a normal person would struggle to maintain, appeared to glide over the ground, the gentle sound of her footwear scraping along the stone floor audible to the ear. In actuality, her body was being pulled forward by the many thread-thin tentacle muscles that gripped the room's ceiling, sticking and un-sticking as needed to carry her forward toward the table both Corvus and Sharkman had taken a seat at. Her hand reached forward toward a chair to pull it out from the table, then her body rose up into the air for a brief moment as the invisible threads controlling her deposited her body into the seat. If she were to tell the truth, her arrival at that moment wasn't quite as serendipitous as it seemed; she'd arrived not long after Corvus, and had been waiting outside of the room listening to the conversation, partly to gauge the personalities of her cohorts-to-be, and to try to find a nice dramatic moment to enter. Both of these things she'd succeeded at, to differing degrees. "You may refer to me as Marionetta. Would anyone like to hazard a guess at my quirk?" she asked, quite certain that any smart person in the room would be able to put together by her demonstration just now, and her name, that she manipulates her body from the outside, at the very least. "I know it's a touch rude to request you all to humor me right out of the gate. I figured it would make a good icebreaker."