P.S. you don't need to know anything about Xenoblade whatsoever to be a part of this RP. Earth is gone, and now this new, alien world is all you have left. You crash landed here, and you have to make a home of it one way or another. You signed up for the BLADE program, feeling like you could go out into the wilderness and fight against the indigenous life forms, and protect the city, very possibly the last human city in existence. Let me ask you some questions. Do you like the idea of an untamed alien world, where the closest thing to a dog is the size of a schoolbus? Do you like the idea of facing off against the wildlife Monster Hunter style, but with crazy Sci Fi weaponry ranging from your typical assault rifle, to a giant torpedo looking thing that shoots out a laser beam the size of a car? Do you like the idea of adventuring through this alien world, going on missions and raising up your rank so you can take on better paying, more difficult missions? Do you like the idea of perhaps even eventually piloting a 2 story tall mech Gundam style and fighting even bigger aliens with it? Do you like on top of that, a fairly deep story that even if you know the story already (From playing the game), there's still plenty of fun to be had in how you as a group, decide to go about working your way through it? This might just be the RP for you if any of that is the case.