[@Pyromaniacwolf] [@Typical] [hr][h3]Chapter I[/h3]"The air on this island is clean and warm, pure in an odd sense and were it not for the fact this place held you prisoner, it would likely be a place of reprieve. Despite the sea-salted breeze among the green making you relaxed, your worried heart at rest for a moment, you press on and begin scouring the trees around you. Avoiding any trail or thicket that seems much too dangerous on your travels, you eventually discover what you can only assume to be wild bananas. The large palm they are attached to, their green, leathery flesh in rows, and the bowing hanging with flowers, there is not much else you can suspect it to be." "Stopping with gear in hand, the tree, nearing ten or more feet in height, appears to be the first real promise of food you have seen. Likewise, reasonably if there is one of these great fruit-bearing stems among this island, there are bound to be more. As fortunate as it is, the fruit is not readily accessible as to be expected..."