I mean... yeah, questionable is in fact an apt description. Like there's a lot of things that don't quite make sense there and others that are just... bad. Like the first thing that comes to mind is the appearance. His skin tone doesn't make a whole lot of sense because all elves are basically the same physically. Dark elves are... well, they're about what you'd expect underground-living northerners to look like: pale; not drow. The mana glowy stuff is also not really a thing as... every race has mana. Any glowing would have to be conscious effort from a magic user. Being so much taller than an average half giant is actually a bad thing from the point of view of getting involved and like... you've already de facto committed to not taking part in the roleplay at all. There's not going to be a slaver focused. There's at least one thing near the beginning that takes place entirely indoors. Then finally... all the age and "it's ancient!" stuff going on. Even putting aside that "oldest youngest knight" is basically my character schtick, it's really hopelessly vague and relies on another interpretation of elves that doesn't apply here--it's a lot closer to the "well, you're pretty much an adult when you're grown" approach with a lot of experience caveats. But specifically... the knights origins' aren't ancient history. It's two human lifetimes ago, which is pretty reasonable in a fantasy setting. Its founder is a Saint so people [i]are[/i] very interested. They've always been based in the capital and are unsurprisingly well documented. And hell, one of the founding members is again [i]right there[/i], it's not a forgotten mists of history deal.