[@DrowsyPangolin] Alright, here is the first OC. Unsure about the concept for the other, but this place seems too fun to pass up! [hider=The Golden Boy, a Proud Prince of Isila] Name: Ramesses Amenhotep Age: 16 Appearance: [hider=Behold, the Golden Prince!] -Appearance (and Full Regal Attire, which is used only for the most formal events and/or matters back home)- [img]https://i.imgur.com/wL0jSVt.png[/img] -Foreign Casual Clothing Examples- [img]https://s1.zerochan.net/Rider.%28Fate.Prototype%3A.Sougin.no.Fragments%29.600.2239954.jpg[/img] [img]https://s1.zerochan.net/Rider.%28Fate.Prototype%3A.Sougin.no.Fragments%29.600.2367471.jpg [/img][/hider] Stats: (Letter grade S-F, include any bonuses from abilities/spells) (S=superior in every way, a one-in-amillion standout/A=Super human ability/B=Peak human ability/C=high end of average human ability/D=low end of average human ability /E=below average human ability/F=any ability in this field is almost negligible) Strength: C Speed: D Precision: C Endurance: C Mana Reserve: B Control: B Spellcasting Class: Mage Specialization: [center]-Necromancy (Royal House)-[/center] Ramesses practices a variant of Isilan Necromancy, which has been practiced along the bloodline of his mother’s family for generations since the first of his mother’s line supposedly gleaned it from the teachings of the Sphinxes. As his mother’s family has been of the blood of the past “bodies” of the God-King, and produced many a concubine to be had in the king’s harem, this brand of necromancy has been called “Royal House Necromancy” over time. It is a complex and varied form of Necromancy that, whilst placed under the general label of “Necromancy” for classification’s sake, is unique and incredibly varied in what it can do. In fact, one can say it is akin to Runecraft in that it can cover the ground of some other schools of magic. This form of Necromancy also differs from the more notable and generally known forms in that it divides the existence of a person into several distinct parts when taking into account its spells and more specialized potential uses: >Hut (physical body and physical remains) >Seh (spiritual body, aka: the spiritual extension to the physical body that exists in living things, which allows for interaction with non-physical things and the incorporeal. Is, just like the physical body, controlled by the conciousness of the user.) >Kej (life force, what allows one to “be alive”) >Suwt (one’s shadow, a manifestation of one’s essence that in appearance mimics the original form and spiritual form in a 2d manner. It is a representation of them given shape by magic, parallel to how a statue if a king is a representation of them, and can be used magically for tasks or such things.) >Shm (power, or the mana an individual contained in life which passes on with their death) >Ren (one’s name, which when evoked magically or with certain spells in this area can call potentially upon their memories and/or conciousness, and even allow conversation with the dead without a proper spirit having to appear for it to occur.) With this all in mind, the use of this magic is far more than “dealing with the dead”, though it certainly is adept at that to a more minute degree than the standard “necromancy” one might think of in nations like Cresia and Verholt and Levisa. Users in this art are also trained with a level of discipline instilled in them, mainly to prevent the evil misuse of it. However, summoning up skeletons to serve one’s self is incredibly common with himself, his mother, and her family and other practicioners tied to that bloodline. It isn’t seen as a “taboo” to do this, or even summon a zombie to assist one’s self in battle, as the soul and mind are not being used for such these tasks. Likewise, conjuring up the memories of the dead, is seen as merely a means to investigate or learn (much like reading a book, or looking into the lives of past individuals to learn from them or what happened to them). Royal House Necromancy has been used for legal cases in the court of the God-King on certain occasions when those tied to his mother’s bloodline are working with the case, mainly to discern true guilt, or see from a dead victim’s eyes what happened, or other such things. Further, users of this necromancy tend to conjure undead minions/beings for use rather than grab up actual remains to make into a minion, though the latter is still fully possible but far less popular a concept in Royal House Necromancy. [center]-Artificery-[/center] (He has taken an interest in it, being a novice himself at it, and has learned of it mostly through reading tomes upon tomes about the subject and watching the artificers in his homeland at work.) Notable Spells/Techniques: Hutar- A basic spell for summoning a basic zombie or skeleton minion who will obey commands without hesitation. They don’t have minds of their own, and more or less are remains conjured from the realm of the dead by Royal House Necromancers. Weak individually, they are more or less free labor and servants to be employed in whatever uses the user has for them. They are admittedly stronger in numbers (which can become mana intensive beyond small handfuls), and can be summoned with basic sword/shield and ancient or primitive armaments (though never any proper armor) on them if desired. As the user gets stronger, so too can the use of this spell be employed for stronger minions to be summoned and called forth. A very basic-level spell, however, it is the first anyone learns when becoming a student of Royal House Necromancy. Suwtah- A basic spell for controlling one's own shadow, utilizing it to interact with the corporeal or incorporeal. Usually useful for trying to trip up enemies in combat, retrieve objects using the shadow, or frankly perform tricks with it to spook small children. Renkaj- A spell that allows the user to read/see the memories of the dead, either in their own mind or projected outwards onto a physical space in the form of an illusion of sorts. The caster can flip through it as easy as reading a book, though since the memories are from the original possessor’s perspective they at parts will be naturally imperfect or skewed (say if they saw something whilst half asleep, or were drugged at the time or high on something, or even if didn’t see anything since they were unconcious). Kejkar- A name meaning “life force infusion”, it is a spell of Royal House Necromancy that recycles a little bit of the lost life force of the dead into a basic all-rounder healing spell. It isn’t great with specialized issues, like specifically treating poison (where specific healing spells would be most effective in this area perhaps), but it sure as anything is great for general ailments and helping improve the condition of someone with multiple ailments (or injuries) at the same time. Magical Items/Equipment: >Cane of the Sphinxes (seen in the first pic under the hider used for his appearance)- A magic staff he was given on his 13th birthday, a gift from one of his father’s Viziers who is a close relative. It is an ancient style of tool in Isila that requires a very insignificant of mana to use. When it is used, however, the object will draw in mana from the environment and channel it into the user in a converted and useable form, [u]albeit the item itself is notably less efficient that what a shaman does, it is still a useful item[/u]. In other words, it acts as a source of extra mana if the user is getting low or is casting a really big or channeled-over-time spell. In reality was secretly a gift from his father (who had heard about his magic training) that was passed through the Vizier to him. It is a generally lower-tier, very useful and traditional kind of magical tool in its own way. Short History: A son born to one of the God-King of Isila’s concubines...among the hundreds of concubines the God-King has, in fact. Much like other children of such concubines, along with the concubines themselves, this has granted him a special status and level of granted revernece among the populace of Isila. Personally, however, he is a determined individual who wants to become the strongest and mightiest among all in Isilia. He dersires to rise to the top and help hold his peoples’ ancient nation together in the face of the coming ages, to help it rise in prominence on the world stage, and to assist in raising the numbers of the revered Sphinx population. One could say he has been inspired by his father, the God-King himself, and indeed the young prince aspires to become the next heir if possible. Barring that, if he doesn’t achieve that position, he desires to rise as close to it as possible in life so he can help shoulder the nation’s burdens alongside the next heir to rise as the next vessel of the God-King. Beyond this, he has enjoyed the palace life in earnest and to its fullest. Flirting with young maid girls, eating the best among foods, sleeping in the softest beds, donning the best clothing, and more. At the same time, however, he has been found wandering among the populace at times and conversating with people ranging from common folk to the God-King’s officials. His face stands out among the many children of the God-King’s concubines, at least in regards to his pursuits and seeming desire for learning. He’s been a regular in the palace library for a decade, even. He has also worked on his magic for years as well, however, learning as intensely as he could about magic from his mother and more-accessible relatives to help gain power and skill for his desired future. This...until he was one day summoned by his father. It was the first time he was personally summoned to meet the God-King himself, and he most eagerly accepted his father’s following request for him to go to Arkus Academy on behalf of Isila. Not that he’d be representing the entire nation (he wouldn’t), but this left him with a great many opportunities to study foreign magics and observe them. It gave him a chance to interact with the outside world beyond his beloved nation’s borders as well, and perhaps....even potentially prove himself more in his the God-King’s eyes by handling himself out there. After all, what’s the worst that could happen? [/hider]