[h2]Tyaethe Radistirin[/h2] The knight's longest serving member looked considerably less prepared for battle than the majority of their assembled host--to the unaware, Tyaethe looked entirely out of place surrounded by the armoured knights; a child sheltering under a pastel-coloured parasol, mounted upon a rather gruff looking pony. The only clue that she belonged lay in the sword strapped to the saddle. But why would she have been armoured up like the others? It was an unpleasant way to travel and the advantage in [i]creating[/i] your armour was that it took no time to equip. It had been quite some time since the knights had been called on to do anything in the way of simple bandit clearance, so she had to wonder what made this man so much more fearsome than your average bandit. Magic? Some sort of experienced knight run amok? Some northern adventurer who thought his luck at prowling in dungeons translated to the ability to oppose an army? Whatever i t was, it didn't matter. The man was as good as dead. "Dismounting sounds good; don't want any bandits to change job to horse thief when we walk in."