[@officaz] accepted. Include the code as best you can. [@Voltus_Ventus][@Starlance][@datadogie][@Eyelid] Just a heads up. The transit phase is just a warm up. If things move too slow I'll post a mass tag with the words "Wrapping Up" that means you guys are getting an alert that soon-most likely late that night or the next day- a post will be moving the scene on. Just to keep things sprite. My,motherfucking, data deity. I'll send you your laws and objectives soon, maybe even in a sec. Just so you got something to engage in if you choose not to post. Remember guys. If you don't want to post in transit. Just post SKIPPING in IC. It's just a good way for other RP'ers to not sit around thinking "wait, should I wait for this guy to finish the posting cycle" as groups tend to do.