[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=B22222]Vladimir Alexandrov[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/4744aee2-23ca-406b-a294-f131990520ca.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr][center][color=B22222][b]Location:[/b][/color] Gretna Green [color=B22222][b]Skills:[/b][/color] [i]Fal'shbort[/i] (Passive), [i]Tretiy Glaz[/i] (Passive), English, General Observation[/center][hr] [color=B22222]"Is much sadness in news you share, Lady Crypt."[/color] Vladimir's voice was slightly subdued, giving what amounted to appropriate honors for someone not of the blood or bound by the Circus. He placed his finger to his chin thoughtfully, continuing, [color=B22222]"I like-ed her. Truly vith the liking. Father took [i]great[/i] liking to Scary Catholic Girl - made vith giving of advice for young leader - advising most only for next Barons in line or Bazhoolis hopeful of the Greatness."[/color] Vlad bowed his head for a moment, quietly speaking a prayer for fallen Mary. [color=B22222]"Strong girl of fiery hair and Godly stabbings! I give many respects. Da. Many."[/color] [color=B22222]"Am also vith regretting, lovely Lady Crypt. Man upon my horse is not comrade of Mother Russia. Is vith profoundness, da, and sadness [i]most forthcoming[/i] I tell you: Here is earthly leaving of Master Zimmer, Eccentric German Man and ally of Circus. He vas taken from us by dark vind, just outside of Green of Gretna. Am bringing him to holy place that Grand Duchess may purify, in vays of our people. I am having sorry, Lady."[/color] The Great Bazhooli took care not to overload the woman with too much, too fast, yet seeing as she was the one to bring up the subject of Veta first, he might as well lay this out for all to see as well. [color=B22222]"Have just come from Grand Duchess. Is for literal just up this road, or vas minutes ago. Also, with the Lady Millicent and untrusted Lord Rudderfarg. Rootherfunt? Runtherfork? Da, the Lord Rublefant. Umm... [i]Asshole[/i]. I do not know vhat plan it from here to next, but... I am knowing she vill vant to see you. If you vish to go now, go. If you vish to help and then ve take Tolstoy(!) together, is fine too. Perhaps after ve are doing this, you can help vith the explaining as to vhy whole town is looking hazy in midday and is like, ah... [b]хрустальное стекло[/b], ah... crystally glass. Is trick? Or is thing vhat needs the stabbing, in time honored tradition of Impalement Artisans, eh?"[/color] Seemingly from nowhere, knives flourished in his hands. He stood ready to meet a new threat, if indeed this was a threat, or even to (if need be) perish in an explosion of Bazhooli-ness from which everything in their immediate vicinity might be splashed and sodden with drama and panache of proportions most epic.