[center] [h2] [color=39b54a]Enki[/color][/h2] [/center] [center] [img]https://drfhlmcehrc34.cloudfront.net/cache/7a/2e/7a2eca87d796d9fd03a702d75817da61.png[/img] [/center] Enki watched as the metal bird above their head flew by. The thing had them transfixed, though they couldn’t quite remember what it was called, the word being just on the tip of their tongue. [i]Heli… something or other.[/i] As it passed by, Enki noticed there was writing on it, and although it seemed to be moving to land, it was still a little too far away to be legible. Enki turned to watch the flying contraption as it moved away and downwards. Enki drew in a breath as their body started heating up little by little. [i]1...2...3...4...5 seconds. Not quite enough. 6...7...8...9...10.[/i] Enki flexed their arm. They felt the strength, the weight, felt the air brush their skin more clearly, could hear and differentiate the voices in the crowd much better, and smell the different smells that the city offered. More importantly, however, they could see better. Enki squinted, and the flying machine came into focus, and had just enough time to read the emblem emblazoned on its side before it disappeared out of view. [i]Crossed swords behind a tower… that must mean.[/i] The vehicle belonged to the First Guard, then. That would certainly explain the armed soldiers. Enki frowned. As interesting as this vehicle was, there was probably little to be gained from interacting with the First Guard, and it would probably do Enki even less good if they decided to interrupt their mission. And so, Enki noted down the event, before moving along. It was only about a half minute later that Enki found themselves turning back towards where the helicopter had assumedly landed. Enki couldn’t see it, as it was now obscured by the rows of high-rises, but they could definitely hear it. Metal. Snapping, tearing, breaking, bending, all in a span of seconds. Had it crashed? If it did, it didn’t sound like it had caught fire or exploded, so the likelihood of there being imminent danger was... [b]“Disband the First Guard."[/b] Ah, so that’s how it is. Enki sighed, before smiling. The day had only just begun, but it seemed that they were about to be sidetracked already. It took them about a minute to reach the site of the ‘crash’, and Enki had taken that time to ramp up. By then, their body was hot to the touch, just a little below the point where their body would begin to start steaming to release heat, so it wasn’t yet obvious that they had been using their power, though those with keen eyes might have noticed the air around them hazing, though even that wouldn’t last long, as their body would begin to cool down. As Enki arrived on the street, they realised what had really happened to the helicopter. The thing was caught and ensnared in a veritable latticework of metal wires, roughly fifty metres off the ground. From there, Enki’s gaze moved to the culprit: a young woman sporting a dress. They found themselves smiling, even as they crossed their arms. Enki could appreciate a cape who had a good sense of style. Enki pondered their next course of action as they studied Spindle. After a moment, Enki decided not to intervene, at least not yet. Enki wasn't sure if the woman had allies, but if she did, then they’d be making enemies. Moreover, intervening like this could be seen as stepping on the First Guard’s toes, and that would likely sour relations with the Final Guard as well, and that was even worse. If the woman attacked Enki, or forced them in, however, that would be an entirely different matter.