[center] [img]https://mattsko.files.wordpress.com/2013/12/ship-77.jpg[/img] [b][color=gold] 1936 - Key West, Florida USA [/color][/b][/center] [i] [indent]You and your family deserve to have a memorable summer full of sunny destinations, luxurious suites, and five star food. Look no further than Camarilla Cruises! "Hi, I'm Cameron Williams. After seeing how lovely the ships were I was sure that I could never afford it. Thanks to their payment plans and a variety of levels, I was able to have a quality vacation with my family." Michal Andersson was worried about safety because of his young children, but was happy to find out that all of our staff members are trained lifeguards and have knowledge of the islands. We make sure everybody is back on the boat before we leave! "My husband Samuel surprised us all with tickets on a luxury cruise! I couldn't believe all the destinations! I've never been to the Bahamas before!" Call now to hear our special offer for YOU! 777... [/indent][/i] The commercial fades into the background and the the room flashes with lights. Even from the street the bright blues and reds flash indistinctly through the curtains. Of course these commercials never answer the questions you really should ask, and that greasy old man smiling into the camera is a hired actor, Cameron's real name is Sarah and those scenes were taken in Wisconsin. To call this company fake would be a disservice to the scam industry. [hider=Slight spoilers for people who want a tiny bit more insight and don't wanna be as surprised] What those commercials won't tell you is that this company came out of nowhere with a surprising financial backing. The boat itsself had no manufacturing or issuing date until a few weeks ago, claiming it was imported. No country claims it. In that time not only has the boat gotten its papers, but also a hefty insurance policy. The crew is all hired within a day, given a pamphlet and a two hour meeting on-board while the crowds wait outside. [/hider] Maybe you will find out their dark secrets, but first you must reach your destination. The horn blows. A man in blue unhooks a velvet rope, "Identification and tickets, please."