[color=8dc73f][/color][b]Occupied Paris, Abandoned House[/b] [@ShadowVentus] [color=fff200]"Oh right... you're human." [/color]Zane said, crushing one of the frost shards into a glass of water, [color=fff200]"Sorry, I'm used to making potions for my partner. Fire Saints like the heat. Here, drink this, it should help your throat. Would offer you some honey, but it seems we're in a warzone."[/color] Zane put the glass down, making sure to seem non-threatening... well, as much as you can while being clad in a suit of armour. Taking a seat in one of the non destroyed chairs, he began to explain. [color=fff200]"My name is Zane, I'm sort of an involuntary world hopper due to a bit of curse magic from a dark god. Jokes on him though, I ripped off his jaw. I've been stuck jumping between heartless invasions for nigh on six months now. "I dropped in on your world to find one of the Black Coats attacking you. Those guys are freak'n evil. I think they wanted to turn you into a vessel of something or other, not sure of the details, but I took umbridge to that. I was forced to retreat by forcing the world hop early and dragging you with me. Sorry about that, the Inbetween is not a habitable place. Currently we're on a world about 500 years further ahead than yours... in Paris."[/color]