Sev gave the woman a dismissive wave of her hand when she mentioned that she didn't have any money. Hopefully Sev wasn't making a mistake by overlooking the cash to get this woman to safety. Maybe this kid had some useful connections or information that the android could follow up on at some point in the future. [color=92278f]"We'll worry about that later"[/color], Sev revved the hover bike engine sending them rocketing through the dunes, [color=92278f]"A word of advice going forward. You're exotic and the locals don't exactly take too kindly to things that are different. Hide your face, maybe tuck your tail. Just stick close and keep a low profile"[/color]. With that, Sev shifted the bike into full throttle sending buffets of orange colored sand flying in their wake. If the young woman was wise she would've taken Sev's advice about covering up. They were coming up on a few hover crafts filled with all manner of scavenger and slaver shooting their blasters wildly in the air, screaming and shouting their various gang affiliations. Grungy, bass heavy music blasted from the haphazardly grafted speakers that were hitched on the tops and sides of each craft. Through the shifting tides of sands Sev's keen android eyes could make out some of the crudely painted gang insignia. She recognized the 'Shoota Boiz' easily enough, a bunch of reptilian and humanoid species trying to strong arm the gun running and scavenger trades. The 'Bombers' weren't far behind them, tech-heads that liked to dabble in trafficking drugs as well as capturing and selling crash survivors into servitude to the highest bidder. Most of their 'products' end up working as dancers, bartenders, and the younger ones work the streets as pickpockets or fledgling hackers if they're smart enough to make it. There were more than a few caravans out to scout the wreckage and claim the scraps for whatever sect they represented. This place was a jungle. A constant battle for survival and dominance. Sev never really understood why her carbon based counterparts where like this. She simply found it disgusting. Luckily, Sev managed to skirt around most of the oncoming traffic as she navigated the way back to the city gates. Her silver hair trailed violently behind her like a flag in a storm as they sped through the crowded streets at a comfortable altitude before Sev brought the vehicle to a stop in an alley near her hotel. She was having second thoughts about returning the hover bike, she was starting to like it. Silently Sev dismounted the bike and scouted around for anyone that might be tailing them. She didn't find anything that looked too suspicious but she did manage to find a curious looking poster. As a matter of fact these posters appeared to be plastered all over the place. How'd she manage to miss this? In one swift motion she plucked the nearest poster from the wall. It was a wanted poster for a bounty. She began reading aloud with a wry smirk on her face, [color=92278f]"Wanted dead or alive for crimes against the Council. A bounty of ten million credits for Nessa 'Star Hopper' Nova"[/color]. Sev casually made her way back over to the bike, leaning over the handlebars causing the bike to lean forward slightly. The android held out the wanted poster to Nessa so she could get a good look at it just to make sure they were on the same page. A scanned image of Nessa's likeness was printed in blood red ink along with the statement Sev just read aloud printed in various alien languages. [color=92278f]"I'll be frank, I'm not interested in the price on your head"[/color], Sev spoke slowly to allow Nessa to fully process what she was saying before she could jump to any conclusions, [color=92278f]"If I were after you, we wouldn't be having this conversation. I'm not a friend of the Council in the slightest. I actually came here to get away from them and they're Guard goons, maybe help clean up this place. But you coming here changes that. So we need to have a conversation. I can help you but you need to be one hundred percent honest with me. What exactly did you do Nessa"?[/color] Sev deactivated any of her systems that would detect her lying. Against her better judgement she was willing to trust this 'Star Hopper'. If she pissed off the Council enough for them to offer up a fortune for her death, then maybe she had a just cause. Either way the two of them needed to figure things out and fast. A bounty this large will attract the Guard. Any moment now the drop ships are going to show up and they'll be kicking down doors and applying boot to ass in order to find this woman.