[@ShwiggityShwah] [img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/11cDdPhJIn2Yms/giphy.gif[/img] To be perfectly honest, i was hoping someone would want to play Superman as the Big Blue Angel. I highly encourage you to throw up an CS. [@webboysurf] No, it's not set in stone, as i said in Interest Check. If you want to play any of the characters and reimagine them, that is 100% ok. The only things that are set in stone is the following: *The heroes from WWII era exist and and the Justice Society of America faught on the side of the Allies. The Axis villains were all members of HYDRA. *Superman exists. *Professor X and Magneto exist. *S.H.I.E.L.D. and CADMUS exist, with CADMUS being established much more recently.