[@Eviledd1984][@Cio] Evren softly ruffled Aava’s hair.[color=cc3300] “(You’re adorable. I love your long hair.)”[/color] He didn’t think much about being a monster; he’d felt that way for a long time, it didn’t take such a dramatic toll on him. When he still had his intense faith it was somewhat easy to call himself a demon, some damnable thing of sin and wholly to blame for his own fate. Demons had a terrible purpose and would all meet a terrible end at the hands of God, and that was reason enough to exist for one who saw himself so despicable. It wasn’t quite that time had softened him, rather it had broken him down, eroded him; he watched his path stretch ever further into the fog, becoming ever directionless and unimportant, and this change slowly warped his worldview. He was no demon, no beast burdened with great purpose, just a repulsive creature in a world full of repulsive creatures. He didn’t matter, nobody mattered, and he came to terms with that because he felt it was immutable truth. The woods were fairly sparse, quite forgiving to anyone traveling on foot although there was no true path. The way was slightly downhill until the town was out of earshot, when the landscape was caught up in dry creek beds and scattered thickets, unevenly spread across shallow rolling hills. As the two crested a hill and came to a clearing, the gentle sound of a brook came to their ears. [color=cc3300]“(It’s a bit of a far walk, but it’s not too far now. Just over the stream and a little bit further.)”[/color][hr]Haddie listened carefully to Duckie, staring intensely as he tried to gauge the words he couldn’t quite hear. [color=black]”No, you’re not one of mine. You’re much… deader, if it were a continuum.”[/color] he replied. Haddie swung his bag off his shoulder and opened it, withdrawing a charcoal pen and a crumpled handful of notes. [color=black]”Who were you? How long have you been undead?”[/color][hr]Beck growled, waiting for a text that never came. She couldn’t see either of them anymore; Hayato had vanished behind the building, and she couldn’t see anything, but rolling her window down just slightly she could hear muffled conversation. Vanessa must have met him outside, whether she meant to or not. It was hard to make the voices out from such a distance, but Beck found it strange that she was hearing anything at all. If Hayato was hunting Vanessa, it seemed the last thing he would want to do was talk to her… unless he was after more than a bounty. Finally giving into her anxieties she took her gun out of its concealed holster on her shin and set it at her waist; as much as she didn’t want to escalate the situation with her presence, the last thing she wanted was to be impeded if things turned violent. Beck got out of her car and traipsed as silently into the alley as she could, but as she came to the center corridor she only saw Vanessa a few feet ahead, facing the other way. Hayato was already gone. [color=silver]“What the hell!”[/color] Beck exclaimed, a bit overly frustrated for the seemingly resolved situation. [color=silver]“He just left? What did he want? He didn’t hurt you, right?”[/color]