Duncan "If you need anything, call on me or one of the Royal Guards. Your Highness." Duncan bowed his head as he greeted her. One of his men beckoned him to come. "Excuse me." he said before he hasted away. After hearing what the man had to say Duncan went towards his office. But he made a small detour first. He felt the sudden need to catch a fresh breeze of air in the hope to find a certain someone there. He walked towards the gardens and looked around. His eyes landed on Madeline. He walked up to her but stopped a respectful distance from her since she was unchaperoned and he didn't to do anything that might damage her reputation. "Lady Madeline, what a coincidence to meet you here. Lovely gardens aren't they." he commented as he smiled softly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keith chuckled too. "Well then Desmond, fellow contestants it is." He doubted that they would actually have to compete but one could never know, besides nothing wrong with some games in his opinion. He looked at the little snacks but he didn't know if a big meal was going to be served later and he didn't want to spoil his apetite too much. Keith poured himself some juice before one of the staff could do it for him. He looked back at Desmond. "I never heard of the vallies of sand but then again geography never was my strong suit." He paused before he grinned. "And neither are politics, good thing I am only a third prince, hopefully pushed down further the line when the crown prince makes some crown princes or princesses of his own." Keith sat back down a took a big gulp of juice.