Iseldis had to admit she was glad to have Roland along. Veteran travelers of her priesthood were known to take on these kinds of tasks alone, dangerous though they were, but she couldn't imagine facing this without help. The dark woods and fog clinging to the ground were unnerving, unlike the city streets she was so used to, but having Roland there gave her the confidence to keep moving with a steady ease, and perhaps something approaching grace. When they neared the crypt Iseldis snuffed out the floating light above their heads and returned her staff to its place on her belt. The moonlight filtered well enough through the clouds into the clearing to allow them to see, and Iseldis figured it was better to [i]not[/i] announce her location to the draugr with a bright white light. As for her staff, she had more dangerous weapons to call upon at night... When Roland alerted her to the draugr, she lowered herself to take cover behind a gravestone as he drew his sword. Visibility was a little limited, but she soon saw two, aimlessly wandering perhaps twenty strides from one another. Perhaps there were more lurking in the fog, but these were the two she could see. The entrance to Blackglass was somewhere beyond, but these draugr needed to be dealt with before they wandered off. She glanced to Roland with a bright little smile. "I'll take out the one on the left. The other should rush us. You can take him, and I'll keep you covered if there are any more." Iseldis had been waiting all day for the chance to push herself and test her abilities, and here it was. She drew in a deep breath, centering herself, and as she softly exhaled, a silvery-white light wreathed her arms. She stood to her full height, lifting her arms out before her, and the light rushed to solidify in the air as a large, glimmering bow, an arrow of light already nocked and ready to be drawn. The draugr noticed, but by the time the one on the left turned to face her Iseldis had released the glowing string. The arrow lanced to its target almost instantly, faster than a typical arrow could, leaving a bright trail of light behind in the air that slowly faded into darkness. The arrow not only pierced the draugr's dark chest, it burst into a shower of light particles that tore the creature asunder from the waist up. What was left of it fell in a heap to the ground. Exhilaration rushed through the priestess, and though she smiled she tried to suppress her excitement for the moment, for the other was charging them, and more could be lurking near. She'd save the celebration for when she no longer felt the eerie presence of the darkness around her.