[h2]Tyaethe Radistirin[/h2] "If a dragon shows up, do you cowards plan to feed the princess to it and hope for the best? These are just bandits," Tyaethe said, unable to contain herself as [i]yet another[/i] knight chose to view for the captain's opinion by a humiliating display of caution. If this was the best Thaln could offer, no wonder the Bandit King had such an easy time of it; a reasonably determined child could probably put them off. "Mayon grant you all a spine... if so many of you are that scared of one man, I'll clear the camp on my own." Hopefully, Fanilly would put her foot down and limit the [i]excessive[/i] level of caution if some good old-fashioned goading didn't work. Nothing like an apparent child looking down her nose at you to push you into trying to prove yourself. Even if her gaze was a bit blunted by the sheer press of bodies, it was still quit the weight bearing down. Particularly on Druncarde. [i]That[/i] was just useless whimpering. Generally, it would take an idiot of a foe to not notice a company of [i]armoured knights[/i] riding up; not having the element of surprise was something they had to deal with.