[right][h3]Nar Shaddaa - Thrax and Sena[/h3][/right] [hr] "Just throw your gear in here. I hope you don't mind sharing a cabin...?" Telsa looked painfully awkward as she pointed Thrax and Sena toward a small two bunk space. It seemed that the Raven Trespass was not what you might call "roomy". Thrax stuck his head inside and took a quick look around before turning to face Sena and holding out a closed fist. "I'll toss you for top bunk." Sena raised an eyebrow at him. "Promises, promises." She replied, extending her own closed fist. Telsa watched in amusement as the two adults quickly hammered out a best of five rock paper scissors. Sena won handily, three to zero. "I do love being on top." She practically purred the words as she swept into the cabin and tossed her duffle onto the upper bunk. "I'll, uh, leave you two alone then?" Telsa interrupted. It was clear that the two were close friends and making the leap to lovers wouldn't take much. "Nah, I want to explore this baby. Good to know where the escape pods are. Safety first." Thrax said with mock seriousness. He exited the cabin and glanced back at Sena, who winked and made to follow him. She stopped as her comlink buzzed and she glanced down at it before casually waving him onward. "You go ahead. I'll be there in a moment." She retreated into the cabin and sat on the edge of the bunk. Thrax nodded, blew her a kiss, and padded after Telsa. Sena sat a more more seconds staring at the comlink before raising it to her ear. "Hello?" "Hello Sena. Listen carefully. All you need to do when I am done speaking is answer yes, or no and then hang up." The voice was female, though deep and sultry. "I represent Jasts employer, a certain Hutt who has a rather sizeable investment tied up in this operation. He would like you to report in to him only if any hinky business occurs and his investment is... mishandled. In return, he offers you 20,000 credits, even if things go smoothly. An additional 50,000 are offered if you are injured or killed as a result of representing said Hutt, secretly of course. I will call you back in one hour for an answer. Are you interested?" [right][h3][i]The Origin[/i] - Kade Ritgar[/h3][/right] [hr] Kade sat at the lounge window, watching as the whirling beauty of hyperspace tumbled away while the [i]Origin[/i] hurtled toward Nar Shadda. He was alone on this trip, or as alone as any man in his position could be. Just him, the ships captain, twenty crew, his bodyguards Ogint and Hishembi, and Cinna Ovarug, the Togruta who oversaw his vast business portfolio. "A credit for your thoughts?" Cinna was sitting across from him on another lounger. She wasn't even looking at him but they had worked together long enough for her to know when he was being pensive. "You ever feel like having to do business on Nar Shadda is... How do I say it, dirty?" He glanced over at Cinna who looked over her shoulder at him. [i]Both literally and figuratively. The planet is a polluters paradise.[/i] He shuddered at the thought. "All the time. The first thing I do when we get back onboard is hop in the refresher. Unfortunately..." She tapped a datapad sitting next to her. "The credits are excellent. I suppose we could pull up stakes but that mean quite a financial loss." "Yes, yes, and Hutt space allows us to do business in the Sith Empire as well." Kade waved his hand through the air. They had had this discussion multiple times and it always ended the same way. He hated Nar Shadda, but he loved the credits that could be found there. This particular trip included a tremendous business opportunity. Nar Shadda was famous for a number of things, casinos, loose morals, discounts on anything and everything. Basically, if you wanted it, it could be found in Nar Shadda. Even Kades luxury clothing line, Scarifs Styles, could be found in several boutique stores. The only real cost to the business were taxes levied by the Hutts. As a result, Kade had been intrigued when Khulbe the Hutt had contacted him and offered a deal. The Hutt wanted the latest launch of Scarifs Styles for his slave girls. Not the day of the launch, but a month early. In return the Hutt had offered Kade the opportunity to import further product for a significant decrease in the taxes usually levied against them. He had been on the fence until Cinna had crunched some numbers and showed him the profit that was to be made on the deal. That had decided it for him. He had agreed to attend Nar Shadda, though he would not meet with the Hutt directly. The crime lord indicated that he would be sending several representatives to meet with Kade in order to finalize the deal. He shrugged. Credits were credits.