[@DrowsyPangolin] Merely when you have the time, and i have a few more questions i am curious about: 1. How advanced is Nilsova? Bunch of primitive people living in hunts made of mud and grass? Semi-advanced to an extent, but respecting of the land? Superstitious and mysterious folk who dwell communally on the land in a manner reflecting olden times? 2. Based on the lore, i had an idea that makes use of some of it. In particular, the rumors of demons and otherfolk in the depths of the Nilsovan swamps. [b]I am just wanting to check this by you as one potential idea, among a couple of them, i am debating for a second OC.[/b] In this case, a girl born to a human Nilsovan father and a powerful fey mother. Her father was kidnapped out of the blue when hunting with the men of his community (depending on how Nilsovan stuff works, could be just out there to forage or explore or something), taken by her mother who had fallen for his looks. The man and fey spent time together, falling in love and bearing a child. She lived with her parents for a time, but when her father passed from illness her mother knew she couldn't stay. As much as she loved her, she had other family on her human side and needed a better chance at life than seclusion deep into the swamps among Otherfolk. So the kid, about 7-8 years old, is sent to be found by hunters and taken back to her father's family. Kid gets raised by her human-side family, eventually gets sent to Arkus to learn more and such (etc). That is the premise summarized, in short. ^^; Will only mention other idea, ah, once i get it better into words depending. Sorry to bother you with so much stuff...