[hider=Orpheus Desubon] Name: Orpheus Desubon Age: 17 Appearance: [url=https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiiy4KnuvTiAhVQQq0KHRERDP4QjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Faminoapps.com%2Fc%2Fneko%2Fpage%2Fuser%2Fflatjimmy%2FMQdc_Qf7w5o0Qj4gQ51PD3M8rP215Zv%3Fpage%3D2&psig=AOvVaw0iqiASq825Xy29ppROpuHo&ust=1560996235905827]Orpheus[/url] Legendary: Yveltal Legendary moves: Dark Pulse is his most Common "move". While he can use Oblivion Wing, Orpheus does not have control of it, meaning that it only activates when he feels strong negative emotions. I hope in the future that he will gain control of his moves. Legendary powers: Dark Aura. You cannot help but feel a sense of dread and darkness once Orpheus walks into a room, almost as if he brings a shadow with him. All dark moves are more effective in his vicinity. Biography: Officially, Orpheus does not exist. He does not have any birth certificate or any other official documents. As Orpheus does not talk much (if at all), no one really knows his backstory. All that is known of him is the obvious. He is protective of his Pokemon (Umbreon and Ryolu), his wardrobe seems to consist of only black and red, and that he seems to carry a shadow wherever he goes Original region: Kalos Other: N/A Pokémon team: (Repeat for every Pokémon, starter Pokémon limited to 3 unevolved, or 1 single-evolved and 1 unevolved.) [hider=Bluering] Pokémon species: [url=https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiS28_PvfTiAhUSCKwKHTs0AsEQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pokemonpets.com%2FShiny-Umbreon-Pokemon-Pokedex-2197&psig=AOvVaw0z5Ow_vCde93ftVC0UjJL0&ust=1560997135434699]Umbreon[/url] Pokémon nickname: Bluering Pokémon moves: Tackle, Feint Attack, Moonlight, and Hyper Beam Pokémon ability: None Pokémon held item: Moonstone Pokémon other: None [/hider] [hider=Rye] Pokemon Species: [url=https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwizs7HEvvTiAhVPhuAKHenbA9gQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=%2Furl%3Fsa%3Di%26source%3Dimages%26cd%3D%26ved%3D%26url%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fbulbapedia.bulbagarden.net%252Fwiki%252FRiolu_(Pok%2525C3%2525A9mon)%26psig%3DAOvVaw1r-O3iComI5xoR9Yd2p5fZ%26ust%3D1560996960478748&psig=AOvVaw1r-O3iComI5xoR9Yd2p5fZ&ust=1560996960478748]Ryolu[/url] Pokemon nickname: Rye Pokemon Moves: Force Palm, Counter, Endure, and Copycat Pokemon ability: None Pokemon held item: none Pokemon other: none [/hider] [/hider]