Hey! I saw your reply, but I've been busy since then. Just wanted to apply with this first character (I'll get the longer infosec sheet done in the next day or 2) and reaffirm my interest in both this RP and your offer to go over what the real field looks like! ____________________________________________________________________________ [b][color=00aeef]Class[/color] Hacker [color=00aeef]Handle[/color] Tagg [color=00aeef]Name[/color] Unknown [color=00aeef]Origin[/color] Canada [color=00aeef]Organizations[/color] (Previously) Jasper: A small group known for exploiting security gaps in medium-large fintech corporations and municipal governments, particularly where corruption is suspected. Although they generally steal little to no assets, at least one prominent board member or other standing authority has been replaced following the hack. Tagg is suspected of playing various, but no major roles in several hacks executed a couple years prior. (Currently) Hermes: A larger group than Jasper, they typically deal in government leaks. However, they’ve lived up to their name- causing both amusement and outrage— with a healthy number of gadget and appliance hacks. Although harmless enough and even beneficial in exposing security gaps, end users have been less than thrilled. However, a year ago, successful probing of America’s power grid allowed them to cause a temporary black out in major cities across the States. [color=00aeef]Known Details[/color] Tagg portrays himself as generic mischievous gamer among online friends. Maintaining a chatty and carefree character, he often tosses around pop culture references and is known to spam one to many emoticons. His online friends and acquaintances are liable to receive messages at all times of the day/night. While many have been able to deduce he’s in his mid 20s and possibly an army brat, a select few online friends are privy to the information that he currently lives alone with a cat dubbed Ghost. [color=00aeef]Avatar[/color][/b] [img]https://store.playstation.com/store/api/chihiro/00_09_000/container/TR/tr/99/EP8924-CUSA03053_00-ETH0000000002534//image?_version=00_09_000&platform=chihiro&w=330&h=330&bg_color=000000&opacity=100[/img]