[hr][hr][center][color=slategray][h1]Damon Tardif[/h1][/color][/center][hr][hr] [color=slategray]"Good. You're awake."[/color] Damon's voice met the Rowen mere moments after she descended the stairs. He stood leaned up against one of the hard wooden tables, using his dagger to pare slices from an apple held firmly in his grasp. His motions, even while performing such a mundane task, were precise and dextrous. It was clear that this blade had been used for far more sinister tasks than cutting apples. [color=slategray]"Best to grab a bite before you hit the road. Something small. A full meal will sit in your belly like a rock. We'll stop for proper rations at one of the towns a few miles from here. Best to start the trail early."[/color] Pausing to pop the apple slice in his mouth, Damon wiped any excess juice from his blade with a wipe from his gauntlet before sheathing his blade, making way towards the door. [color=slategray]"Whenever you're ready."[/color]